Naomi said to me people switched votes to Prof and Pot and then afterwards Muugen said Prof is mech cleared even though he got voted lol. Prof being mech cleared then he shouldn't be getting voted.
[Passive - Lone Swordsman]Commodore Tennet prefers to work alone, he will be unable to receive help of any sort from other players.
[Passive - Honed Spirit]Tennet's battle spirit is honed to it's zenith, he cannot be distracted from his goal. He is immune to redirect abilities, he also cannot be controlled.
[Passive - Martial Prowess]Tennet's ability with the sword is unmatched, if he target the same player twice he will break any type of active protection on them the second time.
[Active- Punishing Strikes]Tennet may target a player that participated in a mislynch and vote drain them for a phase. ---Quick Draw---Tennet may target a player that he targetted with Punishins Strikes previously to permanently vote silence them for as long as he is alive.
[Active - Battle Stance]Tennet adopts this stance to ready himself for a future battle, any guilty player targetting him that phase will lose one of their passive abilities for a cycle.
[Active - Delayed Strike]Day 3 or later Tennet may activate this ability to target a player with a death mark, they will be targetted the following cycle with a kill. (2 shot)
[Active - Arcing Slash]Locked.
Funds: 1000 Berries. Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.
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