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Lmfao imagine thinking this has anything to do with Zoro and not the fact that Lucci is out there hanging with Sun God Nikka who was also destroying Kaidou. Even if temporary that puts him bare minimum at the higher commander range. Then you factor in Lucci might actually have an attack built to bypass durability. Fyi King isn't a top tier by any means.
Stussy > Kaido or nah? :hope:

if you are talking about zoro as the wss at that time already then its repetitive
right after just getting a mihawk and zoro fight .

not to mention s-hawk in many ways doesnt really have a will of his own.
It won't be a full fight. We're just going to be shown the beginning of it as the last time we see Zoro doing something. I meant to say it will be one of the last chapters of OP.
As for future potential strawhats or at the very least characters that might sale with them
  1. Vegapunk stella: doesn't have to die since a gorosei is here but it's still pretty possible imo
  2. All other vegapunk satellites: doubt all 6 plus the original is going to sail. If any were itd probably be one of the girls. Lilith most likely
  3. Bonney: i think she'll either be captured or just straight up betray them in the end of the arc. Going with the world government
  4. Stussy: betrayed the world government and has nowhere else to go
We all know you're sockpuppeting to make a pointless war about admirals vs emperors here
Linyagi is the only person that isn't one of your alts.
The mods can probably check it if they want. I never had a single alt acc. I went with MarineHQ all the way from OJ to here.

With Tejas it's extremely likely. He's continously spamming anyways.

Also. I haven't started any fight with anyone. You and L55 jumped me lmao
Yeah think the same. Their aim is to command the Seraphim, he should at least be able to take a Luffy punch, since I suspect highly Oda will do a redraw of Luffy as Nika punching a high ranking CD
One of luffy most epic moments imo ,and i Just wanna throw this out there,during this year reverie (youtubers meet) there was discussion about a dark toon force basically instead of luffy being joyful we actually see him pissed ,and going all out,as many feel like joyboy luffy takes tension away etc.What if this gorosei member does something that makes luffy snaps like this and that laughter disappears and its nothing but rage from luffy or something along those lines.Could be wild:steef::steef::steef:
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