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It's a good thing Zoro went back to playing with children. Let the big boy (Yonko Straw hat god Nika Joy boy Luffy) handle the big boys like Kizaru.
No space for fodder like him against Kizaru.

Sasaki Kojirō

Having more men in a confrontation gives a numerical advantage to the larger group, they can surround and pressure the lone opponent, which makes it difficult for them to defend and counter-attack. Additionally, a larger group can also split into teams to perform specific tasks, such as surrounding the opponent, distracting them, or attacking from different angles. Another advantage is that the larger group has more resources to spend and more men to replace the injured or killed, making the fight longer and more exhausting for the lone opponent.

I can only laugh at the admirals because my post just keeps getting more and more solidified. LMAO

How many soldiers did Green Bull receive help from? 5000, 7000, 10000? Seeing how Kizaru requested all possible reinforcements for EGG, it's very likely that he requested 90% of the navy's forces to capture a single Shichibukai. LMAO
Gorosei coming in Egghead gonna have huge implications for after Egghead. I strongly think Luffy will punch CD moment 2.0 happens, and just like them they too are overprotective over every detail, having a marine test if the food is poisoned etc.

Straw hats are gonna bring the fking Ragnarok in Elbaf
Nekomamushi: We need you to help topple the Beast Pirates / Big Mom pirates alliance
Marco: I'm a retired man
Nekomamushi: B-but we really need you
Marco: Ok, I'd help the young generation one last time, then retire

*Some times later*

Shanks: Come on Marco, you refused last time, but please, come and help me
Marco: I'm tired of babysitting you guys, I'm a retired man, no more fighting

*Arrival in Sphinx's island*
Miss Bakkin: Please help my son Weevil, he got captured
Marco: Not this again .... :pepeke:
There is no rest for true goats :phoenixmarco:
I guess this means that Bonney probably is a failed BM clone.

Vegapunk experimented on all of the Rocks pirates.

  • Weevil was created via experimentation on WB
  • Momo’s DF was created via experimentation on Kaido
  • Stussy was created via experimentation on Mrs Bakkin

So that really just leaves Big Mom and Xebec himself.

Bonney was created from BM
Teach was created from Xebec

That’s my theory.
It's going to be really funny when the Gorosei does nothing else other than give the Seraphim an order lmao.

They clearly don't leave the Holy land and it seems they may actually be pretty paranoid. It was necessary to take the Seraphim back.

I hope for some guys that Luffy doesn't replicate the punching the CD scene with Saturn lol.
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