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Damn too bad that's just copium speaking and Lucci got ezpz KO'ed and fodderd and needed medical attention
Nah Lucci got 100% medical aid as a confirmed fact. Cope
Damn that is crazy.
Wow that's crazy to bad we don't have this panel you speak of. Unlike now with Lucci being shown on the ground not being able to have internal monolgues since he is actually unconscious facing stuccy

Damn that's crazy

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
Is it the protagonist of the series? And also, I love how you ignore the way the Beast Pirates were approached.

I still don't understand why you connected my comment about Green Bull needing numerical advantages to defeat Weevil to the Beast Pirates, to be honest.
He didn't.
It's like claiming Fujitora needed numerical advantages against Sabo because the fodder Marines got stomp lol
Also mad respect to the Vegapunks and Sanji/Franky that fodder like Zoro would need help against Kaku.
ITs now confirmed that Zoro stood no chance against Kaku in a 1v1. Which is why the Vegapunks/Zoro/Franky were coming to save him. Zoro would've been done for had stussy not came in clutch and saved him. LUL.
the fact he evaded capture too after the whole ordeal is impressive .
Now it's clear how much Sabo actually carried the revo commanders when fighting two admirals.
Sure, Fuji and Aramaki were kinda nerfed but they were still pure powerhouses. The fact that Sabo managed to injure one of them speaks volumes - and as you said, he even managed to flee from them despite of the disadvantages.
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