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You literally explained in your own posts why Mihawk has a lower bounty than those guys, lmao.

As if it's supposed to be an insult to barely have a lower bounty than people with 100x more military and political influence than you.

Or do you wanna talk about the fact that Mihawk has a higher bounty than his own Yonko captain who's supposedly stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Shanks according to the WG?
Buggy is a gag, similar to chopper.
Man who brought big mom down and clashed 1x1 with BB is at hawkins level? LOL.

Had It been zoro in law's place back in dressrosa vs Doflamingo, luffy would need to find another swordsman for his crew.

Zoro couldn't even deal with the birdcage, imagine dealing with the white god threads that only got destroyed by King Kong gear 4 gun.
Ik u didn't use birdcage to powerscale, when even fujitora couldn't do anything to it as an admiral.

And Fuji could have dog walked Doffy

birdcage was plot taking physical form.
Other than Guernica and Stussy, CP0 have not been doing too good lately.:mrgo:

Probably alive somewhere. Respect to Guernica.

Probably dead.

Status unknown after going missing when the BMP confronted Joseph and the other WG ships.

Lucci and Kaku:
Put to sleep by Stussy.

Betrayed her fellow CP0 members and the WG itself.

Only CP0 agent that has so far not done anything.
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