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Sasaki Kojirō

Hard to say if Alaramki defeated weevil who only possesses the physical strength of Whitebeard in his youth (as a child), honestly to be honest, when he was having to use his awakened form and even then being humiliated by Momo who was discovering the puberty of his powers. LMAO



When were you under the impression this game is..
Man the Zoro fanboys really focusing on the sweat while ignoring the actual combat panel. This is why I can't associate myself with this fanbase, it's just second-hand embarrassment at this point.

...And the providers being frauds as always too.
I thought you were a Zoro fanboy yourself?

Sasaki Kojirō

Did Weevil surrender or not? :suresure:

Why Bakkin thinks Marco can make things right?

Shouldn't he surrender too when Greenbull comes again?:suresure:
Marco was ignoring Green Bull and rightfully not considering him a threat to the alliance and walked away while Luffy and the rest watched the show of Green Bull versus an 8 year old. LOL
For all those people coping about Weevil not being as strong as Prime WB.

Momo's fruit that was completely a success is considered a failure because of a stupid irrelevant detail like color. It's going to be a gag that VP makes near perfect clones but misses some small details.

So yes. Weevil completely inherited Prime WB's physique.
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