Be like me:

Understand that abortion is killing a life, but also think it should be legal


abortions will happen no matter what, these women will just die by going to shadier ways of trying to get it anyway, all we do is put their lives also in risk

or the baby gets to be born in a family that doesn't what them or can't take care of them for a multitude of reasons, and some might even be born with health problems because of the mother poisoning themselves trying to have an illegal abortion

but i guess that's their objective

i really don't think banning abortion saves lives at all

and yes, i understand that there are cases of people that are born in horrible situations and are able to grow and get out of those situations, but we can't kid ourselves into thinking that's what happens most of the time
Hold this big dub!


You know my people refer to our Religion as a "way" or "path"
I think God sent us a message and religion is what mankind made out of it
The God you’re describing is the God we believe in
No one can understand or solve God but this is not our goal
Our goal is to understand his message and teachings. We believe that God created us out of love and we need to become this "love" again -> becoming one with the will of God
The mind goes insane and explodes if it’s thinking about God, the answer is in the "heart"
if we can't understand God, then why should we listen to him?
Be like me:

Understand that abortion is killing a life, but also think it should be legal


abortions will happen no matter what, these women will just die by going to shadier ways of trying to get it anyway, all we do is put their lives also in risk

or the baby gets to be born in a family that doesn't what them or can't take care of them for a multitude of reasons, and some might even be born with health problems because of the mother poisoning themselves trying to have an illegal abortion

but i guess that's their objective

i really don't think banning abortion saves lives at all

and yes, i understand that there are cases of people that are born in horrible situations and are able to grow and get out of those situations, but we can't kid ourselves into thinking that's what happens most of the time
I agree with most of this except when you said that abortion is killing a life, it's more like preventing a life from starting. Until that fetus is capable of self-sustaining it's not a life, if it's far enough along where the baby could survive a premature birth then I'd consider it killing.

But I don't agree with people being forced to carry a child to term because they got a positive pregnancy test. In my experience most of the people I know who have multiple kids shouldn't be parents at all and most of the people I know who would make great parents have decided not to have kids yet because they understand that they're not ready yet and want to be more secure or stable in life before making that commitment.
You know my people refer to our Religion as a "way" or "path"
I think God sent us a message and religion is what mankind made out of it
The God you’re describing is the God we believe in
No one can understand or solve God but this is not our goal
Our goal is to understand his message and teachings. We believe that God created us out of love and we need to become this "love" again -> becoming one with the will of God
The mind goes insane and explodes if it’s thinking about God, the answer is in the "heart"
See I get that but when you start talking about his message and teachings you lose me because that's more stuff made by man, I'm not saying it's not worth thinking about but I don't believe anything can come to understand God. They merely spend time working on understanding that which was believed by previous generations who knew less about the world than we do now.


I agree with most of this except when you said that abortion is killing a life, it's more like preventing a life from starting. Until that fetus is capable of self-sustaining it's not a life, if it's far enough along where the baby could survive a premature birth then I'd consider it killing.
I feel like saying "preventing a life" is just a use of languague to comfort yourself from that act.

you believe it should be legal and okay to do it, but you want to change the language of what it is so it doesn't sound as bad.

If somebody is dying and they need some type of medicine, and you have the power to give it to them, but you don't or you prevent them from getting it, then you're killing that person in my opinion.

It doesn't matter if this person was gonna die from a car crash or a random event before that happens, you still took action to prevent a life from continuing, and to me that's killing someone.

Same thing with abortion.
Post automatically merged:

You know my people refer to our Religion as a "way" or "path"
I think God sent us a message and religion is what mankind made out of it
The God you’re describing is the God we believe in
No one can understand or solve God but this is not our goal
Our goal is to understand his message and teachings. We believe that God created us out of love and we need to become this "love" again -> becoming one with the will of God
The mind goes insane and explodes if it’s thinking about God, the answer is in the "heart"
Imagine if a college student said this:

"I shouldn't question where my teacher learned this, i don't have to understand my teacher, i don't even have to understand why he believe this. My goal is to just understand his teachings and his messages, and i gotta believe him"

It feels like you're trying to take the burden of thinking for yourself and putting it on another person, in this case, on a divine being

If we don't know where a message is coming from and we can't understand where it's coming from, it makes no sense to follow it
if we can't understand God, then why should we listen to him?
I used the wrong term sorry
We can understand him but how should I say it… but not solve him. Our brain can’t fully understand or grasp his secrets.
There’s only one God and there’s no second to him, we can reach his door, know who he is, understand his message but not entirely grasp his secrets.
There are some things only God knows

I’m still a student and don’t have the knowledge to fully explain it because the full answer lies in the "hidden messages" which can be only seen with the eye of the heart
Everything, even the Holy Books have two sides, one physical side and one deeper spiritual side
The real answers lie in the deeper spiritual side but you can’t go to this lvl if you don’t master the physical side
I used to asked my great uncle but he said "I can’t say it to you. Go your way, earn it and find it out"
if we can't understand God, then why should we listen to him?
Let me give you my interpretation of the God they're talking about. There are multiple sides of you. A side that always diverts your attention. A side that gives you intrusive thoughts. A side that makes you think rationally. A side that gives you morality and a side that makes you feel emotions. I think the "God" they're talking about is the good part of you inside your heart that's empathetic to others and has a higher morality.
Imagine if a college student said this:

"I shouldn't question where my teacher learned this, i don't have to understand my teacher, i don't even have to understand why he believe this. My goal is to just understand his teachings and his messages, and i gotta believe him"

It feels like you're trying to take the burden of thinking for yourself and putting it on another person, in this case, on a divine being

If we don't know where a message is coming from and we can't understand where it's coming from, it makes no sense to follow it
I understand what @Cross_Marian meant to say and I also understand your response.
I think the two of you have fundamentally different approaches to spiritually in general