[Passive - Exoskeleton] The Hunter possesses a super tough exterior, his abilities cannot be destroyed.
[Passive - adaptive shield] The Hunter will absorb the first 2 actions in the game that target him as a one shot, except for kills.
[Active - Redirecting Kick ] The Hunter may target a player at night and redirect the first kill targetting them towards someone else. ( 2 shot)
[Active - Overdrive] At night The Hunter goes into overdrive and pushes his exoskeleton to its limits. Allowing him to become super bulletproof that phase, this cannot be used in conjunction with any other ability. (2 shot)
[Active - Flaming Kick ] The Hunter's senses heighten, he will look for any suspicious activity. He will destroy any investigation attempt following the activation of this ability. ( 2 shot)
[Active - Boeuf Burst] Day 3 or later The Hunter may target a player and engage them in RPS, if he wins he will rolecrush them through immunities for a cycle, if he loses he will be roleblocked the following phase.( 2 shot)
Funds: 1000 Berries.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.