The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
most of Teach downplay here is due to Erkan managing to piss off both the swords and admirals fandom :risitameh:
Or may be because he hasnโ€™t lived up to expectations?! He was supposed to do amazing stuff while Wano was happening and all he did is kidnap Coby and Pudding.
We still have to get through Bonney Kuma bullshit, and seeing how last chapter it took up like half of the chapter, it will take at least 2 chapters

Then Oda would have to end some chapter with showing that kizaru is near egghead
Then another chapter ending that Kizaru landed on egghead
and other chapter on kizaru either clashing or encountering strawhat on egghead

so at least 5 chapters before fighting starts. There's nothing to get hype about these shit chapters with Kuma