Chapter 1074: Memories of a Broken Man

- Chapter starts with Bonney and Vegapunk talking about kumas travelling as a scholar
- Kuma travelled with Olvia, they met in Paradise plus some other stuff
- The Punks arrive on the ship, Edison comments about choppers medical equipment
- Luffy, Zoro and Sanji go to find Vegapunk and Bonney
- Kizaru talks to doll, saying to head to egghead already
- Last page of the Chapter, Mihawk cuts up the Greenbulls ship as he senses weevil on it
This is actually legit
Chapter 1074: “the strongest slash”
- mihawk cut a sea king and his slash accidentaly killed ryokogyou in the new world fujitora on amazon lily and kizaru on egghead.

- saturn :" fuck "
2 chapters next week