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Yeah, CP0 were known for that too. Guess what, they needed S-Kuma's power to reach the top of egghead

lmao, imagine Saturn risking to come solo there when he needs protection just to eat food lmao
The gorosei being somehow strong is the most unhinged thing this community came up with recently, this level of pettyness is out of this world, they will say that the most blend old man in existence is stronger than kizaru:endthis:
Vegapunk to Luffy, "Please take me with you"..... then runs off somewhere so now everyone is looking for him hahaha! Man One Piece is definitely a comedy, if anyone says they don't laugh reading one piece then they are lying to you.
It's because of bonney:endthis:
...why exactly are you retards talking about luffy and zoro fighting kizaru and saturn?
It takes massive amount of flight power to just reach the top of egghead where they are.

CP0 only reached the top due to S-Kuma's powers, leaving their ships to get destroyed.

You think Kizaru will just say fuck it and leave the fleet he wanted to come with to get destroyed along with Saturn being unprotected?
You think Zoro and luffy are just jumping down there?

Kizaru will only fight someone on the lowest level of the laboratory

You better prepare for Luffy vs Lucci and Zoro vs Kaku part 2. They aren't staying knocked out whole arc without doing anything. Oda loves to recycle shit.
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