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one barely beat commander while getting his HP restored by mink cum

while other beat commander despite not getting HP restored after torture and after fighting 2 commanders

Did you forget Queen shot himself twice and Sanji snuck him 4 times in that fight. Not to mention Zoro stated to be stronger than Sanji and fights thev2nd strongest which King is stated to be and the right hand. Oda also said Zoro the #2 of the crew and showed all the 2nd strongest/VC. Bro shut your dumbass up
Come on, be realistic. Sanji being stronger than Zoro is a reach.
He is being realistic

Zoro hyped Gifters

Knocked out by crackhead Killer without his signature weapons and that fat samurai. Then blamed himself for "lack of skill"

Remove Enma and the Supernovas helping Zoro, he is done

Switch Zoro with Sanji on those events and he is getting slandered until EoS doesnt matter what he do


That's Zoro before the mink cum medicine wears off
:luffylaugh:look at him laying in his own blood from a commander

Meanwhile Sanji was like that after Maria's torture and 2 commanders and sudden gene mod kick in
oh yeah the medicine doubled the damage so we can double zoro's number while sanji's remains the same
They are way greater manga than that, I made a thread about manga but it flopped sadly:endthis:
Well if you call Kingdom mid I guess you have a different taste than I. There is barely anything I think Hara could do to make Kingdom better. Its almost perfect imo. And I love these types of stories with huge world buildings, wars and badass "Top Tiers" fighting each other with combat and wits.
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