Lmao I'm genuinely scared he will given recent depictions of him and his crew tbh. Feels like Aokiji is hard carrying them but Auger has a really nice fruit now too.
The Garp situation is gonna make or break him Blackbeard too. I just worry how hes gonna handle this or its gonna be like another Koby and Boa situation where somehow, we get an unexpected 3rd party (ironically it was Blackbeard that time) and thus its gonna take it in a direction we couldn't guessed?
Theres also what happened between with him and Law atm and if hes gonna defeat Law or not, theres no reason he should lose here, especially offscreen but I extremely doubt Law is dying, getting captured at worst and maybe forced to use the eternal surgery on BB or something?
We still dont know shit about Shanks vs Blackbeard too nor who the pirate Shanks wanted to talk to the Gorosei about and if it was Luffy, Blackbeard, Xebec (unlikely but possible imo) or even fucking Buggy hence, why he got promoted to Yonko too lol.
I've been hyped for BB sine he appeared in Jaya, he still my fave villain in OP and probably any series too but after watching what Oda did to Kaido and Big Mom, Im so scared for him now. Not to mention making him run from fucking Rayleigh too.
I'm hoping Blackbeard is gonna get some major and devastating Ws soon, like how Aokiji/Kuzan and Auger raided WCI, raised hell, kicked ass and especially kidnapped Pudding and maybe ponegylph rubbings or even the ponegylphs, especially if Auger can just warp them anywhere too.
I really want Blackbeard to shine (ironically) and I NEED to see him face at least Kizaru or Fujitora, preferably Kizaru and even Akainu too.
Having an ex Admiral genuinely on his side somehow apparently is a massive fucking win and I hope Kuzan doesnt betray BB/isnt a spy for BB's sake as well it would be far more interesting writing for Kuzan too this way and thus the Marines and the concepts of/beliefs about Justice in OP and such.
BB still needs to get a 3rd DF, I seriously DOUBT he isnt going to get one, but given GB wasnt a Zoan, I doubt BB is getting a Zoan either but he might ofc. I wasnt keen on him getting Laws fruit but it seems like a legit possibility. I thought he might want that fruit for Doc Q but apparently not?
I wanna see him hunt for DF users and get more DFs for his crew too. Reminds me of how the Akatuki hunted down Jinchuuruki and I wanted to see how Devon and Auger got their fruits.
Btw fun fact about Burgess too btw, well more confusing than fun, Odyssey has Burgess with his DF at Dressrosa?! How?! He didnt have his DF back then did he? Is that why he could throw houses at Ace and such before too? But why didnt Oda show that it was a DF power? Make it obvious before? I bet hes gonna try to test his DF vs Garp too, that will be interesting too LMAO!
Since Kuzan owes a great debt to Garp too for saving his life and looks up to him as we saw in Post Enies Water 7 too I believe and such, I forsee a tragic TLOU2 Joel situation where Kuzan is forced to kill Garp to prove his loyalty to BB and BB showing his true sadism and cunning this way too. He also has Koby as a hostage to weaponise too...
I see Garp getting a Zephyr type situation, like how Kizaru was "forced" to kill his former mentor in Zephyr and they faced each other alone, with Kuzan blocking them off as well as everyone else from interfering, something similar will happen with Garp and BB imo.