So goofy wont surpass roger bounty ?
Is luffy fighting roger wtf is this comparison
if luffy surpass roger bounty it will be because he accomplished more than him
Zolo beating wss (which btw nobody in the world cares about) isn’t gonna give him 3.7
Just like luffy whos joyboy and beat kaido only got 3b zolo beating mihawk he gets 3 at max
But you expect Blackbeard to ne knowledgeable who researches history and has memorized every detail about the df book even the shape.
Medical knowledge is different. But he’ll maybe I’m wrong, but it does seem like because of laws medical expertise he’s able to use the fruit this wel and BBs doctor already has a fruit.
Is luffy fighting roger wtf is this comparison
if luffy surpass roger bounty it will be because he accomplished more than him
Zolo beating wss (which btw nobody in the world cares about) isn’t gonna give him 3.7
Just like luffy whos joyboy and beat kaido only got 3b zolo beating mihawk he gets 3 at max
Well they care enough to give him a 3.6b and he s a subordinate
Strong, beautiful, adventurous, approachable, autonomous, authentic, calm, confident, determined, diligent, easygoing, focused, honest, insightful, intuitive, patient, perceptive, resourceful, responsible, alert, athletic, compassionate, extraordinary, fun loving, hard working, honorable, incorruptible, heroic, reliable, selfless, stoic, basically Zoro.
In BB's case it would be specifically retarded though. His thing is hunting down fruit users. He goes the length to defeat one of his biggest rivals in the pirate world then he doesn't make sure to kill him and take his fruit ?
Yeah that would be fucking stupid. Also he should know about the eternal youth surgery. His hobby is history research has memorized the devil fruit book to a T, steal that df feed it to allied pirates like pinkbeard and force them to perform it on him.

Would be beyond stupid to let such an opportunity slide.
In BB's case it would be specifically retarded though. His thing is hunting down fruit users. He goes the length to defeat one of his biggest rivals in the pirate world then he doesn't make sure to kill him and take his fruit ?
I don't know I feel like it's pretty bad for kizaru to aim for the key when he could aim for luffy's head or akainu to not kill whitebeard during his heart crisis:endthis:
Law portrays >>zoro
Character >>zoro
Feats >>zoro
Bounty >>zoro
Importance to the story >>zoro
He’s gonna surpass mihawk without even caring about his title bookmark this
Bro…why does it feel like I traveled back in time?

Too many different coincidences have all happened at the same time. Like I’m on discord and i thought I sent a message to a group chat and it turns out I never did

Now I’m on worstgen thinking i seen the spoilers section and images opened only to realize i must’ve been hallucinating that shit wtf
Medical knowledge is different. But he’ll maybe I’m wrong, but it does seem like because of laws medical expertise he’s able to use the fruit this wel and BBs doctor already has a fruit.
Corazon has zero medical expertise in comparison to Law yet Doffy was planning to use him as guinea pig to perform the eternal youth surgery on him.
Law and Zoro are both highly skilled and powerful characters in the world of One Piece. However, it's difficult to definitively say who is stronger between the two, as it ultimately depends on the context and situation in which they are facing each other.

In terms of abilities, Law is a captain of the Heart Pirates and a Shichibukai, known for his Devil Fruit power, the Ope Ope no Mi, which allows him to manipulate space and cut through anything in his path. Meanwhile, Zoro is a member of the Straw Hat Pirates and one of the strongest swordsmen in the world, known for his mastery of three swords and his aggressive fighting style.

If we are to judge their abilities in a general sense, they are both on the same level, but in a one on one fight, it would come down to various factors such as the environment, their mental state, and their respective mastery of their powers and techniques.

So, in conclusion, it's hard to determine who is stronger between Law and Zoro.