Based on all your adult years as op fan (I point this out because most of op fans grew with the story starting when they were teenagers), which side are you choosing, zoro's or sanji's? Devil fruits or haki? Nami or Robin? God usop or fuck usop? Ace was a retard/ a great role model for luffy?

Your eyes and opinions might not have been biased by being young, naive and idealistic as they were for the most due to their ages when they formed their opinions

Based on all your adult years as op fan (I point this out because most of op fans grew with the story starting when they were teenagers), which side are you choosing, zoro's or sanji's? Devil fruits or haki? Nami or Robin? God usop or fuck usop? Ace was a retard/ a great role model for luffy? Di

Your eyes and opinions might not have been biased by being young, naive and idealistic as they were for the most due to their ages.

I can't believe people believed me. :kawak: