CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
17.55$ aud is the best i can do
Wow, in today's economy, that's like, 5 whole Legos! Almost enough for me to choke on without adult supervision!

Let's build a redneck rollercoaster in our backyard, and charge kids to ride it until the cops shut us down for safety violations and operating an amusement park without a license.

But seriously holy fuck Legos are so expensive now all the detailed models and molds have skyrocketed cost


waiting for Marvel Rivals
Wow, in today's economy, that's like, 5 whole Legos! Almost enough for me to choke on without adult supervision!

Let's build a redneck rollercoaster in our backyard, and charge kids to ride it until the cops shut us down for safety violations and operating an amusement park without a license.

But seriously holy fuck Legos are so expensive now all the detailed models and molds have skyrocketed cost
i got that tiger butthole lego set
i can smash it and you can rebuild it