He created fodder Edo Tensei.
part 1 Orochimaru’s > Tobirama’s and part 1 Edo Tensei turned #1 under Juubi Jin into a Hidan level fighter

Tobirama admits Minato has a better usage of FTG

Shadow clones are only a jonin level jutsu.

Everything he did got way better when anyone who wasn’t him used his jutsu.
And all those that surpassed him still only came as far because Tobirama created them.
Minato wouldn't even be a jonin if not for Tobirama's jutsu lmao. Levels.


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
And all those that surpassed him still only came as far because Tobirama created them.
Minato wouldn't even be a jonin if not for Tobirama's jutsu lmao. Levels.
Lmao, you trippin. Minato was fucking elite and genius. Even if he didn't have Raijin he would be a top tier. Maybe not to the point he was with Raijin but still.


I will never forgive Oda
And all those that surpassed him still only came as far because Tobirama created them.
Minato wouldn't even be a jonin if not for Tobirama's jutsu lmao. Levels.
Tobirama can be the super computer that out man on the moon.

Orochimaru, Kabuto, Minato and Naruto are modern super computers 1,000,000,000x better than him