Chapter Discussion I’m team Kidd

Who are you cheering on?

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both of them are mid af and i will slander whoever loses eitherway

kidd loses? = more Ls to useless mid as per usual
shanks loses? rat fraud exposed = more mihawk wank

its a win-win for me
since when is mihawk wank a W for you? are you playing 5d chess here?
I’m not gonna lie after reading the whole chapter even I believe the odds are absolutely stacked against Kidd… but this is now or never. In Wano he was overshadowed by Law but here he has the spotlight all to himself.

If (and this is a big IF) Kidd splits the sky with Shanks, I will acknowledge Kidd as being Luffy’s true SN rival and overlook his super mid portrayal back in Wano.

I will buy Kidd stocks this time and so Lolda help me Kidd’s VA doesn’t go cuck his wife this or next month again. :endthis:
Kidd portrayal there is better than law
Shanks needs his crew and giants vs kidd


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
I am firmly on Team Shanks. Frankly both of them can go to hell. But Shanks being Mihawk's rival gives me no choice but to root for him.