Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters


Hustlerversity Graduate
Killer sliced Rockstar and Shanks retaliates

Shanks : Haki Beams!!!!

Kidd: Magnet Beams!!!

Kidd awakened advanced COC and clash with Shanks Haki Beams

The Giants and fleets alll fainted,
Only Beckman and Lucky Roo survived albeit massively weakened

Killer and Wire take on Beckman and Roo.

Shanks and Kidd once again unleash COC,
This time sky splits and causes massive shockwaves and small scale tsunamis

In other parts of New World,

Bartolomeo brutally trashed Lime juice and crucify him.
Law vs BB and Shanks vs Kidd is basically Reverie arc for egghead island.
You know a series a shit when whatever hype it's creating is from small info outside the arc... And when we reach that arc.. Same thing repeats.. Basically devaluing that earlier hype. I think one piece has been leeching off readers like this for decades now. :jordanmf:
- S-Flamingo kidnapped Vegapunk
- Sanji's group find him and a fight starts
- S-Flamingo takes over Sanji with his ability and attacks Stussy, she is kicked very hard
- Sanji begs Jimbe to knock him out before he does more damage
- Jimbe uses a powerfull attack and knocks out Sanji
You're shitposting, but a rogue, intelligent Seraphim free from the WG's control would be more interesting than a traitor Vegapunk tbh.
Just imagine if Oda used the cover stories to actually show us what happens at those offscreen events we really wanna know about.
- Shanks vs Kaido
- Akainu vs Kuzan
- Revo's vs Admirals
- Law vs BB
- Kid vs SHanks
That might have been the worst episode of the Last of Us so far
Joel goes from comatose to killing three grown men in the span of a few hours. And then is healthy enough to track God knows how many miles to their resort.
I know adrenaline is a thing, but for adrenaline to keep someone going for nearly a day is stupid

And then the resort. Nobody is around! Where are all the people? Joel just walks in, looks around, a building is set on fire yet no one bother crawling out of their holes

And Ellie is walking plot armor. Kills two grown men who always need to contemplate their actions when they're the ones having Ellie on the ground.

These are all veterans of the fungi apocalypse. 20 years of killing infected and other humans, surviving, yet don't have the wherewithal to kill a teenager.
That HBO adaptation is not good at all lol. Game is amazing though