You think caribous as mastered in his fruit as Akainu is in his?
Swamp fruit also isn't nearly as powerful as the Magma fruit. Side-note: If Caribou dies, where does all the stuff in his swamp go? I ask because Blackbeard's power works similarly and I'm not sure Oda wouldn't put void century stuff in there
Same. I hope he takes Theory to the sky with him. Theory can get so much out of this feud. Scrap the pussy heel and make Theory pin John clean at WM.
If they have the match, Cena is eating the pin clean for sure. He's a part timer now, no reason to take the title off of Theory. And it gives Theory something to gloat about for the next few months


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
If they have the match, Cena is eating the pin clean for sure. He's a part timer now, no reason to take the title off of Theory. And it gives Theory something to gloat about for the next few months
Theory should be a tweener after this feud. No more pussy heel, he doesn't need to.
Apparently Law is safe?

Since chapters after break weeks tend to suck and Oda has apparently offscreened Shanks and Kidd as expected, I'm guessing Oda nay have finally paid off on "Vegapunk dying" as Shaka said he/they would, assuming more than 1 Punk dies too.

I could see a Shaka face reveal right before they die too.

But also Atlas has survived and been repaired immediately, Edison survived, York can be saved by S-Snake ironically or maybe her "statue" gets destroyed here or maybe Boa can undo the petrification if needed but idk. Pythagoras narrowly avoided death too but we don't know who that shadow was that attacked them and how too. Maybe that mysterious being (probs Saturn idk) will kill someone?

There's also a chance that this is just a Sentomaru situation and someone else gets wounded and bleeds but doesn't die.
The losers are horny for Law to die :kobeha:
Lmao wow. I just buy furniture that's already assembled or get others to do it lol.

Furniture is too "mainstream", be more minimalist and live in empty rooms, free your minds and your living spaces!
I'm unironically tired of having so much stuff.
Sometimes I wish I just could throw the old, unnecessary stuff away.
I still have stuff from school etc

It's such a waste of space