Artificial bodies to say the least.
Absolutely baseless. Having a fraction of the originals blood was more than enough to artificially create at least four full-fledged Lunarians. They have all the trademark looks and abilities. White hair, dark skin, flame ability etc. The devil fruits are even further evidence for this, you only need a fraction of the original to completely replicate the original. You're basically saying because it is artificially created it confirms it can't be identical to the original.

@nik87 @Gol D. Roger i hope fellow Zoro bros don't also believe this?
Chapter 1078: Should Have Drawn It Earlier
- Lucci captures Nico Robin
- Sanji saves Zoro from S-Hawk.
- Newspaper from Morgans arrives on Egghead. Sanji gets 3b bounty. We also know who won in BB vs Law fight.
- Oda draws the shadow of the traitor (we don't know who it is)
- Break next week
Robin fans are starving to the point where her being captured is something exciting :catcry: , anyways nice thoughts
Saying seraphim are better than King's mean.


Just because they share theie fighting style or power.

But WE all know it aren't the case the original Warlord Can beat the seraphim if they exploid their weakness with Mihawk literaly curshing all with a pocket skife.

Why? Because the warlord and King have powerfull haki which is>>>>DF and most other ability.

Beating S-Shark will atmost give Sanji thé benefit of doubt to damagz King a bit but he still need some legit feat against top tier to have a chance at beating King.

The way I see it Sanji will Surpass King in the next Big Arc for now he IS still weaker.