
𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
Yes you fucking genuis because King fell last arc and the crew has not encountered the Seraphims an arc later. Holy, this gets even worse now.
Vegapunk doesn't think of them as Lunarians. He just admits that he gave them the Lunarian features. I guess it's agree to disagree argument.

They are living beings. They're the result of the DNA that VP extracted from the originals, are you aware that you're literally trying to argue here that the extracted DNA of the originals are in fact not original but lose their authenticity when they're injected into a different living being. I just told you they have blood running through their veins, they're growing up just like normal humans would. If you think of the Seraphim as cyborgs you're greatly mistaken.
No, no. I'm saying that he prepared artificial bodies for them, right? He then injected them with the DNA that gives the the Lunarian features. I guess at best I can say they are Pseudo Lunarians but not fully fledged Lunarians. They'd be fully fledged Lunarians if Vegapunk found a group of Lunarians and raised them and later only give them Devil Fruits.

Vegapunk modeled the artificial bodies after the Warlords, and gave them Lunarian features and Devil Fruits. They are a product not a race.

They don't need too. Do you know how genetics work ?
I explained above with the features and artificial bodies modeled after Warlords.

Copy is only the word used here. In actuality VP "created" them again and they're as authentic as the previous "original" was.
No, he cloned the Lunarian aspects and injected them to pre made artificial bodies.

Great. So the peak of King surpasses the peak of Kaido so that supports my point. Why use the peak of Kaido when the peak of King is superior? Here you have your answer.
I don't think we understand each other here.

I provided evidence and you spread headcanon.

- When i proof that the Seraphim are living beings due to them having blood in their veins and undergoing a process of growing up, you claim it isn't true.
- When i proof that the Seraphim are genetically identical to King by carrying all the same trademarks both ability and looks wise, you claim it isn't true.
- When i proof that the fruits VP created are identical to those of the Shichibukai, you go on and ignore it.

You're literally saying "i don't want the Seraphim to be genetically identical to King because it goes against my agenda so I'm going to ignore any evidence provided and pretend like I'm being the logical one"
Never said that I don't want Seraphims to be genetically whatever. I only told you that they are not fully fledged born Lunarians which is correct no matter what type of artificial body VP builds.

Yes. All of your points surely gave me a good laugh.

Seraphim = Lunarian

For the sake of our time, let's leave it at that cause i damn sure won't be agreeing with you anytime soon, better have the manga spoilers tomorrow prove me wrong.
Okay. But you have to make sure Oda brings at least one Admiral in the upcoming chapter:akasalt: