
Whatever Shanks does
Know that Kid tanking those hits offscreen and on screen just proves once again His endurance >>>anyone bar Kaido, BM , Luffy.

:milaugh:I wonder what will they say
"Adcoc attacks will ko Kid "

Whatever hype Shanks gets from Oda , hypes Kid too
He's fighting him 1v1

:kayneshrug:Oh yeah...Kid damaging Shanks too

:goyea: Kaido > Shanks still
Oda won't have Kid 1v1 kaido yet

Whatever Shanks does
Know that Kid tanking those hits offscreen and on screen just proves once again His endurance >>>anyone bar Kaido, BM , Luffy.

:milaugh:I wonder what will they say
"Adcoc attacks will ko Kid "

Whatever hype Shanks gets from Oda , hypes Kid too
He's fighting him 1v1

:kayneshrug:Oh yeah...Kid damaging Shanks too

:goyea: Kaido > Shanks still
Oda won't have Kid 1v1 kaido yet
Wait for the spoilers to come out first my guy