Did Kid ever actually get hit by Kaido? On screen? He got hit by Big Mom loads, but I don’t recall Kaido ever attacking him.

Maybe Big Mom is just garbage.
More like Shanks is on a different level than Big Mom.

As I said before, Kid barely defeated Big Mom and that was with Law's help. Remove Law from the battle, and I'm pretty sure that she would have eventually defeated Kid maybe not as quickly as Shanks but she would have most likely still won.
Didn't have the same energy when it happened to King and Queen. I am sure you were among the people who tried to justify their defeat. Do the same thing now if care enough to be fair.
King and Queen vs Greenbull is a completely different discussion, no?

A YC1 and a YC2 getting folded by an Admiral (that specializes in crowd control no less) is nothing crazy

Kidd getting folded by Shanks on the other hand...

Gol D. Roger

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An admiral being way above a commander makes sense.

kid being this weak against shanks just doesn’t. Specially after two Yonko failed to kill him multiple times
An admiral being way above King makes as much sense as Shanks being way above Kid. The only thing that doesn't make sense is how high some of you guys rated Kid, and Law by extension, all along.
Kaido hit law with a thunda bauga and Law walked it off no problem
Law was unscatched with no damage lol

My definition of being unscathed is not coughing up blood and lying face down on the ground, but you guys may differ on that.
More like Shanks is on a different level than Big Mom.

As I said before, Kid barely defeated Big Mom and that was with Law's help. Remove Law from the battle, and I'm pretty sure that she would have eventually defeated Kid maybe not as quickly as Shanks but she would have most likely still won.
Oh yeah, that’s always been the case. A 2 vs 1 is miles different from a 1 vs 1.