CoC: Color of Clowns

Good Teachers = Good Cartoons >>>>>> Actual School
The Witches in my writing prolapse their hoo-has and control them with Telekinesis to have them... uh... dock with each other.

It's like Flubber, but there's two of them, and they're.... wrestling??? And getting up inside of each other.
There's two basic types of horny:

1. I wanna cum.
2. I wanna see other people cum.

The second is actually hornier, because there's a limit to how much you yourself can orgasm, while there's no real limit to how many orgasms you can cause in others, in theory.

True horniness is wanting to watch other people cum all over the place. I learned this from female hentai artists.

Every time I've tried to not be horny in my writing I've failed miserable, I am physically incapable of not shipping my own characters with each other and not having them use magic to have weird-ass-sex.