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There's no "Tina!"
Is this ur lovely way of saying we should cfd Apollo? because I'd be totally down for it hehe~♡
There highest lynch doesn't even have that many votes so it would be easy to swing it into any cute direction at the end of day~♡
I actually like Apollo's latest post to me. I don't think he should be lynched today:

I do not believe a town would genuinely "tonally" town read someone so early into the game AND start sheeping them from then on. Especially for someone who complained she won't have time to play the game, yet spent the most time in the thread. It would have been better for her to give reads directly and read the thread if she was gonna stay in the game thread.

To me, it seems she is sheeping a player, and if the votes lynch a townie she can claim she was only following and its not her fault. If the lynch kills scum, she can ride the coattails of town.
Although the last sentence is more of a tinfoil, his reasoning in the first paragraph is acceptable from his PoV. In his post, he also doesn't mark Michelle as someone he's definitely going to vote off.

I couldn’t guess before that my plane will have almost 2 hours delay and I will have such a good wifi in Italy later on.
Of course being in vacation and in a day with 2 flights I said I am busy, but what scum is idiot enough to not stay low when they say they will be busy?
Have you reached home now?


There's no "Tina!"
Summary please...
Also who r top suspects of the phase..
I think it's better you read or skim the thread instead of a summary. A summary won't capture exactly what went down.

For top suspects, check the latest vote count from Indigo.

And please give us some thoughts by the EoD.
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