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Are you like, up to date or you've just seen last page or 2? Do you know what's the case on SK?
I have only read from page 150. I think i get it. Ultra used his chat on SK. And asked for a claim straight away according to SK. He refused. Both kinda look bad. But refusing to claim anything at all is a bit worse imo. That just wastes a potential town ability that could have been used to confirm people.
And no original thought or insight to add? Just making sure you're seen to vote and back to lurking again?
I think everything that can be said has already been said by you guys. All that's left is arguing if they are both acting like this cause of ego or something as i understand.


I mean, he kinda mentioned something like that. SK i mean. But he's mostly saying he didn't like the way Ultra approached him. If he straight up cannot claim, he would simply say that imo. And if he can't say that either he shouldn't be able to hint at that.


Nah, i don't think so
good point

Quick summary?
What's the last thing you remember?

Basically SK is main wagon now. He was in neighbour chat with Ultra. Ultra claimed he's mason with... I don't remember to be honest, but whatever. SK didn't claim anything from himself. He's saying he didn't like the way Ultra approached him and that's why he won't be discussing with him or whatever. However he still thinks Ultra is town or likely town so that's pretty weird behavior from his side (he can claim in private so why not).

That's kinda the hot topic atm.

I think this mafia game is the most confusing I have been in. No use of abilities yet. One piece one was very easy to understand.
Whaaaat. What's confusing here? You have your own role and that's it. No events or anything like that so far.
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