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Urahara Shoten has opened its doors! If you are interested in visiting please quote this post!

In, missed it last time.



Lynch Hime

Holy shiet
id be up for hime but said i wont waver off of kekko today
Ekko is literally the last person ppl should listen to
yet rat is and you town read him.
oh yeah about that, there was nothing to heal from Muugen, otherwise i would gain poison ability or at least reg kill
might get end of phase?

should ask onii i mean he said i was healed after i asked the third time in here
that opens the question of who healed charlie cause it probably wasn't adam
probably true scum of orihime.
Wouldn’t that mean he was lying?
idek why i would lie about having a ks sent my way after claiming the strongest captain
He said it was a delayed kill, not straight up poison
thank you been saying this
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