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I’m Ikkaku

I’m I disable defenses or destroy actives

Can roleblock 3 people once or make myself roleblock immune

Have a 1 shot to make myself immune to sword actions

If I target someone their next harmful ability gets redirected to me. I targetted Kilu last night and had an ability destroyed

Also Kenpachi is mentioned in my role and my abilities don’t work on him
Oh so she's lying straight up

Why didn't you say this

AL sama

Red Haired
I learn the name and effect. Its why I said from the first post whoever has that ability cannot be killed unless they're lynched.

Didn't I reply to this already ?
first you said you learn the name then when I questioned you you said you also learn the effect

that's a clear contradiction


anywho rat if you really intend to target me with your "vig" shot ill say itll be wasteful, i mean you'll just be useless in the np.

hope youre up for a game of Bushōgoma
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