1. This how i know you not reading shit, he was sent to chase down the people who kidnapped the princess, he wasn't sent to go protect King Riku and Elizabelo. It so happened that the same people who kidnapped the princess also happened to be going after Riku and co. Only you would believe being sent to deal with fodders is hype, god bless you my brotha. What guiding??????? They literally already near the Marine HQ lmao, are you reading or not?? When you meet somebody after 95% of their journey is complete, you're not guiding them.
2. Literally fodder marines exist in the new world. Literally fodder pirates have their own crews in the new world.
3. I can't speak for you, since you clearly don't understand how a military operates. Koby is a marine HQ captain, that rank alone is enough worthy of trust lmao.
4. It has not lol. You're equating only handful of marines showing it as only handful of marines can use it. Not how it works.
5. Ah yes Chaton and Gion have no advanced haki cool story bro. Admirals have no advanced CoO, cool story bro. Sengoku doesn't know any advanced forms, cool story bro.
6. .... uh huh