El CLASICO TIME, who is gonna win? Barcelona or Real Madrid?

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Formerly Seth

He will fail to capture Law(because there’s no point to it if Koby escapes) and he will lose all of his prisoners

but he will probably take out Garp if it makes BB fans feel any better
I don't mind that.

I just lose interest in BB long time ago and he doesn't look good. Shanks ( who is the biggest walking counter to him because of no DF ) losing to him is dumb and unnecessary.

No kid. Ryokugyu jumped on King and Queen who were severely injured and tied up in Seastone . No fight happened. No panel of fighting
Show me where they are fucking cuffed you damn moron.

You are disabled at this point and your eyes need doctor's help.

You can't be reasoned with you are just mentally unstable.
I love how mihawk/zoro retard don't read the manga
The last time we saw mihawk said its actually good Buggy is the main blame target because it let him have his peace

What scanlation are you guys reading? He is not chasing an 80 year old to fulfill some headcanon of shitposters
I never said that Mihawk is chasing Garp.. I said that maybe both were gonna be at the island trying to get Coby, and since both will be there, a fight will happen.

Besides, what does BuggY/Mihawk has to do?
We are getting a Tashigi vs Shiryuu moment for sure.

As for the chapter with the summery out. It's pretty much 100% now that Garp and Koby, will be escaping. Since Koby already escaped and getting the other prisoners out
Someone should explain in bot languagea that a part of the gifters that were forced to ate the dango during the raid were still fighting the alliance alongside their BP crawmates til they were directly ordered by their master to switch side and fight Kaido. Babanuki presence does not prove anything except if one got a panel of Tama directly ordering him to attack his fellow beast pirates on sight. Or chain them if you prefer

Tama did not order Babanuki to lie to Queen either. He just did it by Kibi Dango effect
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