El CLASICO TIME, who is gonna win? Barcelona or Real Madrid?

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Garp loyalty always take over his morality. As u said maybe one day they will together throw a multiverse punch and destroy the red line along with those shit celestial dragins and the sword swallowers.
Yes, that was tested during Ace's execution. He didn't give up but if the same happens for Luffy, I feel he isn't going to keep quiet. He'd die before letting Luffy die.
Dressrosa was like the day after Punk Hazard though, it sounded like people knew about the ten titanic captains for a long time.
even though it seemed like what you've said, but that's what actually happened, his joining was known to the public during Dressrosa arc, & there are two evidence proving this:
- Gorosei said that they are shocked that someone as strong as Aokiji joined BB, they said that after Doflamingo was defeated.
- Burgess telling BB that he doesn't trust Aokiji just before his match, & right after that the commentary says that there 10 BB commanders, most likely Burgess & that commentary read that day's news paper & knew about Aokiji's joining.
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