Even if Law died here, its still a 1-1 because Law woulda already bodied Blackbeard had Augur not saved him.

Stay coping lul.
Augur didn't even warp him how he saved him? He landed on his own, there is no warp effect and his body stance is landing from jump.

Law had submarine and underwater crew advantage to retreat, BB didn't even let Law retreat.

Shanks gets bodied by serious BB as well. DFless BB scarred him.
After the chap Old era wankers be like Vasco > Meme
Ever since Sengoku was massively rescaled by community after that Oden flashback
I'm waiting for Chinjao detail flashback where he was supposed to be portrayed as one of the big guns during Roger's time so that fandom will go Prime Chinjao >= OG Yonko
