Will Garp die at the end of this arc?

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if teach is going to elbaf then that's the battle royal oda teased. marine vs pirate isn't exactly what i would define a battle royal. but luffy vs teach vs shanks (vs buggy?) would make sense. depends now on how long egghead lasts
Hey man, you’ll get over it.
Honestly, I'm not saying it purely out of spite.

Kid vs Shanks changed my perception of how OP powerscaling works. It made me realize that haki is a quintessential part of OP powerscaling and I just cannot make excuses for characters having mid haki feats just to place them where I want to.

Kid's definitely the poster boy of being DF reliant and having mid haki. But Law's right up there with him. His DF negation feat was cool, might even be somewhat of an advanced technique, but it only works against (weak) DF users. and Law vs Teach even proved it. Law looked good before Teach used the yami yami no mi, then Law got his DF negated and he jobbed.

So why should we pretend that Law somehow bypasses Katakuri's FS and defeats him, or that he somehow bypasses King's ryuo and beats him?

I think Law is a low YC1. He can one shot almost any YC3 or YC2, and beats Marco high diff. However he cannot beat stronger YC1s with advanced haki. King and Kata are just the tip of the iceberg in this regard. Between the YC1s and the yonkos/admirals, you still have that upper tier of YC1s including Zoro, Beckman, and Shiryu, all of whom are likely ACoC users.

If it makes you feel better, I rank Kid below Law, but honestly there's really only so much you can wank either of these characters.

Sasaki Kojirō

I confess that I haven't beaten the Aokiji key enough. Being a subordinate of Blackbeard, Kuzan confirmed as a Blackbeard pirate is one of the worst things to happen to Marine fanboys. None of the Yonkos even commented on it. He was not seen as a big threat to them. If Whitebeard and Shanks joined forces, we would expect the Yonko balance to collapse. An admiral joins a Yonko and nothing happens to the balance.

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