Will Garp die at the end of this arc?

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Still alive and conscious, gave BB a hard fight, gets hyped from Rocky Port and escaped. No signs of BB getting Law's poneglyphs ass well.

Meanwhile Kuzan gets speed blitzed and one shotted, similar to Kid :milaugh::holdthisl:
Gave bb a hard fight when bb is completely fine and law on the ground and had to be saved like a fodder lmao

While kuzan will get up casually from garp acoc punch

Also garp is a complete beast that would blitz and one shot that fodder lawl
BB: How about you become one of my crew?

P: What? Are you mad, captain?

BB: You're jobless right now, right? Do you have any place you wanna go? What'll you do now? You just kicked out by the very "justice" you believed in!

BB: The world's "justice" I believed is different!

K: What a bullcrap!

K: I just enjoyed drinking here!!

K: I'm not foolish enought trusting you!

BB: Oi Oi!! BB: I think you've mistook the meaning of pirate! To us, pirates isn't a army full of friends!

BB: Pirates is... BB: A crew where they just have the same intention!

K: You really are carefree huh!

K: What do you want me to do?
Yoo this is some captain and first mate interaction, i like their interaction this chapter
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