Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1082 Spoilers Discussion

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No way Mihawk haters really think he's afraid of the Yonko lmao, anyone with a brain knows it's dumb as fuck to confront three other Yonko crews that currently have way more overall strength than Cross Guild
:milaugh::milaugh:didn't you guys say Mihawk can solo yonko crew or yonko by himself?
That CG can.beat Yonko crews

Why does he want CG to amass more power ?
Why is he afraid to fight other Yonko ?

He's just Buggy's lacky
WG Expectations: Mihawk hype chapter, he'd finally prove he is stronger than Shanks

*Takes orders from a clown as a peer to Crocodile*
Buggy: Shanks could have been the pirate king
Mihawk: Do you expect us to fight Red Hair, Blackbeard, Luffy ?

Zolo fans will drop the manga when Mihawk got exposed again :gokulaugh:
Why is Mihawk "forced" to by a clown though? Mihawk was said to be Zoro's end battle after the PK race, with people arguing that it doesn't make sense narratively for Zoro to fight Mihawk in between.
"Forced" a great word you used , it's all about propaganda here like how he was a Yonko before Mihawk and Crocodile beat his ass , Mihawk being his End Goal it's already foreshadowed years ago unless you think Zoro gonna beat Hawk eye and afterwards an admiral .
Also it's Oda's way to force things out , like what do you want CG to do ? just fighting Marines ? what's gonna help the plot with that ? Oda already forced his way out by shaking the portrayal of not one or two , one of it was when shanks only wanted to grab his hands over One Piece after Crydo ( who is scared from Oden ) and Meme fell down LMAO ,
Crydo's portrayal is down bad after those PTSD from Oden and So on and u all have Kaido > Oden .
And now Mihawk is "forced" to follow a clown for the race of the PK, sharing a position with Zoro and Shiryu.

Why not taking Cross Guild over? The power and resources are Croc's and Mihawk's anyway. They planned it without the clown.

I mean, I look forward to Mihawk's all out power, but that doesn't look all too good for him character wise, being dragged into this by a clown against his will and being peer to other commanders by default.
Mihawk already denied the shit of taking over Yonko which means a lot of responsabilities would fall on him if he agreed he wants a peaceful life and that's why he became a warlord and he became the counter force of Yonko , Now for him CG's post plays the WG's schibuckai position that's why he's affiliated to it while the WG plays the rule of Yonko .
Like, he didn't want to fight Shanks in the past and now would on behalf of Buggy? Why? Don't you see this as problematic portrayal of his character?
if you are asking about portrayal you should talk about how mihawk's presence gonna make Buggy the clown a PK in a week easy peasy.
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