Right?! I've loved Luffy from day 1, he helped sail I mean sell One Piece for me and I wish post TS didn't neglect the SHs so much for him and other arc exclusive and random side characters.
Pre TS had amazing moments every arc with the crew without fail. Amazing chemistry and interactions between them, ongoing storyline, actually hilarious, heartwarming, precious moments etc.
Post TS has a few and I emphasise a few only. At least compared to pre TS especially.

I miss the humility of pre TS, the simplicity. The dish has too many ingredients, too many chefs now. The simple, delicate but memorable and harmonious flavours are gone or fighting for survival.

Post TS has so many moments I do really enjoy but you could cut out SO much or change from Post TS and drastically improve it too.
People thought Zoro was going to be only victim after wano somehow Loda would get his shit together and focus on dreams and goals of the other strawhats. Next arcs begins and Franky is being relegated to the back seat already in arc where he should be the mvp does:kriwhat:. This series would never have reached same heights without rest of the cast Loda is ignoring now, nobody would read this only following his mc