Gorosei Informer

As ZoroMazino's fellow WorstGen members gather around him, he continues to babble about the inevitability of ZKK. His words are barely coherent, but they all know the passion and fervor that he holds for this theory.

Suddenly, the room goes silent as a figure appears at the door. It's Oda himself, dressed in his signature Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses.

ZoroMazino's eyes widen with excitement as he sees the creator of One Piece before him. He struggles to get out of his straight jacket, but the other members hold him back, not wanting to risk any harm to Oda.

Oda chuckles, taking a seat in the corner of the room. "So, you still believe in ZKK, huh?" he says, his voice filled with amusement.

ZoroMazino nods eagerly, trying to convey his enthusiasm through his restrained state.

"Well, let me tell you something," Oda continues, a mischievous glint in his eye. "You may be onto something there. But you know what? It's not gonna happen in the way you think it will."

ZoroMazino's eyes widen even further, if that's possible. "What do you mean?" he asks, his heart racing with anticipation.

Oda leans forward, a sly smile on his face. "Let's just say that the Seraphim Kaido is not the only one who will fall by Zoro's hand."

ZoroMazino lets out a wild scream of excitement, his mind racing with the possibilities. The other members look at each other, wondering what new theory their friend will come up with now.

As Oda stands up to leave, he turns back to ZoroMazino with a parting word of advice: "Keep believing, my friend. The world needs dreamers like you."

ZoroMazino nods eagerly, a newfound fire burning in his eyes. As Oda exits the room, he can't help but feel a renewed sense of hope for the future of One Piece and his beloved Zoro.

The other members look at each other, smiling knowingly. They may not understand ZoroMazino's obsession with ZKK, but they respect his passion and dedication to the cause. And who knows? With Oda's teasing and trolling, anything is possible in the world of One Piece.

Alternate version:

ZoroMazino sits in his padded cell at the WorstGen Forums asylum, muttering to himself about ZKK and the Seraphim Kaido. Suddenly, a guard comes in with a piece of news that shakes him to his core.

"ZoroMazino, you won't believe it. Oda has confirmed that ZKK is still possible!"

ZoroMazino's eyes widen with excitement. He jumps up from his seat, tearing off his straight jacket with ease. "ZKK! ZKK is real!"

The guard looks at him cautiously. "Are you sure you're okay?"

ZoroMazino laughs maniacally, sounding like both the Joker from Batman and Doflamingo from One Piece. "I'm more than okay! ZKK is inevitable, and I have the proof!"

He grabs a stack of papers and begins spouting a 40-page essay with detailed diagrams, graphics, citations, and irrefutable facts and logic on why ZKK is the only possible outcome. He rants and raves about the Seraphim Kaido and how Zoro will finally get the recognition he deserves as the true hero of the story.

The guard tries to leave, but ZoroMazino won't let him go. "You have to hear me out! ZKK is going to happen, and it will be glorious!"

Hours pass as ZoroMazino continues his tirade, but eventually, he exhausts himself and falls asleep on the floor, surrounded by his papers.

The guard sighs and shakes his head as he leaves the room, muttering to himself, "Poor guy. Oda really did a number on him."

As ZoroMazino's fellow WorstGen members gather around him, he continues to babble about the inevitability of ZKK. His words are barely coherent, but they all know the passion and fervor that he holds for this theory.

Suddenly, the room goes silent as a figure appears at the door. It's Oda himself, dressed in his signature Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses.

ZoroMazino's eyes widen with excitement as he sees the creator of One Piece before him. He struggles to get out of his straight jacket, but the other members hold him back, not wanting to risk any harm to Oda.

Oda chuckles, taking a seat in the corner of the room. "So, you still believe in ZKK, huh?" he says, his voice filled with amusement.

ZoroMazino nods eagerly, trying to convey his enthusiasm through his restrained state.

"Well, let me tell you something," Oda continues, a mischievous glint in his eye. "You may be onto something there. But you know what? It's not gonna happen in the way you think it will."

ZoroMazino's eyes widen even further, if that's possible. "What do you mean?" he asks, his heart racing with anticipation.

Oda leans forward, a sly smile on his face. "Let's just say that the Seraphim Kaido is not the only one who will fall by Zoro's hand."

ZoroMazino lets out a wild scream of excitement, his mind racing with the possibilities. The other members look at each other, wondering what new theory their friend will come up with now.

As Oda stands up to leave, he turns back to ZoroMazino with a parting word of advice: "Keep believing, my friend. The world needs dreamers like you."

ZoroMazino nods eagerly, a newfound fire burning in his eyes. As Oda exits the room, he can't help but feel a renewed sense of hope for the future of One Piece and his beloved Zoro.

The other members look at each other, smiling knowingly. They may not understand ZoroMazino's obsession with ZKK, but they respect his passion and dedication to the cause. And who knows? With Oda's teasing and trolling, anything is possible in the world of One Piece.

Alternate version:

ZoroMazino sits in his padded cell at the WorstGen Forums asylum, muttering to himself about ZKK and the Seraphim Kaido. Suddenly, a guard comes in with a piece of news that shakes him to his core.

"ZoroMazino, you won't believe it. Oda has confirmed that ZKK is still possible!"

ZoroMazino's eyes widen with excitement. He jumps up from his seat, tearing off his straight jacket with ease. "ZKK! ZKK is real!"

The guard looks at him cautiously. "Are you sure you're okay?"

ZoroMazino laughs maniacally, sounding like both the Joker from Batman and Doflamingo from One Piece. "I'm more than okay! ZKK is inevitable, and I have the proof!"

He grabs a stack of papers and begins spouting a 40-page essay with detailed diagrams, graphics, citations, and irrefutable facts and logic on why ZKK is the only possible outcome. He rants and raves about the Seraphim Kaido and how Zoro will finally get the recognition he deserves as the true hero of the story.

The guard tries to leave, but ZoroMazino won't let him go. "You have to hear me out! ZKK is going to happen, and it will be glorious!"

Hours pass as ZoroMazino continues his tirade, but eventually, he exhausts himself and falls asleep on the floor, surrounded by his papers.

The guard sighs and shakes his head as he leaves the room, muttering to himself, "Poor guy. Oda really did a number on him."

I prefer the first story :ihaha::ihaha::ihaha: