Gorosei Informer

People thought Zoro was going to be only victim after wano somehow Loda would get his shit together and focus on dreams and goals of the other strawhats. Next arcs begins and Franky is being relegated to the back seat already in arc where he should be the mvp does:kriwhat:. This series would never have reached same heights without rest of the cast Loda is ignoring now, nobody would read this only following his mc
Sorry for the late response!

Yeah its unfortunate they couldn't see the massive writing on the wall after Oda's handling of Zoro, sigh. Now look at Kidd too...Bonney being neglected heavily as well and Kumas flashback was what, 3 panels max? Even Kaido's wasnt that brief/restricted/ridiculous LMAO!

Yeah, Oda seems to forget, its the crew we fell in love with. Its not like the series is called Naruto and should focus way more on it's protagaonist either /s.

One Piece isn't the same without the crew being a crew. We spend several hundred chapters getting to know them, seeing them bond, share experiences together, fighting to save each other and together to save others too. We've seen them fight each other too, get mad, cry and laugh together. They've been family this whole time.

Now it feels so scarce and that is UPSETTING when you factor in Pre-TS was what a few months max? In the OP world? Idk how long they sailed for but it wasn't very long at all right? Brook only got 3 DAYS with the crew before Sabaody happened too?! After 50 fucking years for him of being alone in the OP version of the Bermuda Triangle?

They spent 2 freaking years apart and now Oda keeps splitting them up and finding excuses to keep them apart sigh. Jinbei didn't even get a proper welcome and was abandoned to feast on the banquet ALONE when they were all meant to be together and celebrating their reunion and him joining finally. Luffy promised him. 10 years we waited for Jinbei to freaking join too, a DECADE! Sigh.

I'm just gonna keep spamming the AI bot to compensate for whatever Oda neglects, ruins or purposely even cuts out now.
Fuck you Oda!


Ghostly: "Excuse me, Mr. Oda, but can you please tell us why Urouge hasn't appeared in the story for such a long time?"

Oda: "Well, Ghostly, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."

Ghostly: "Haha, very funny, but seriously, we've been waiting for so long. Can you give us any information?"

Oda: "Hmm, let me think...Oh, I know! Maybe Urouge is on vacation. He's probably sipping margaritas on a beach somewhere, enjoying his time off."

Ghostly: "That's not a very satisfying answer, Mr. Oda. Can you tell us if he's going to appear in the future?"

Oda: "Hmm, let's see. Maybe he'll appear in the next chapter. Or maybe he won't. Maybe he'll appear in the chapter after that. Or maybe he won't. Maybe he'll appear in the final chapter of the series. Or maybe he won't. Who knows?"

Ghostly: "Okay, I see that you're not going to give me a straight answer. But can you at least give us a hint about what Urouge is doing now?"

Oda: "Sure, I can give you a hint. Urouge is...wait for it...doing absolutely nothing. He's just chilling, taking a break from all the action. How's that for a hint?"

Ghostly: "Ugh, you're impossible. I give up."

Oda: "That's probably for the best, Ghostly. Sometimes it's better to let the mystery be."
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I fucking CALLED IT LMFAO! And it didnt take long either hahaha!

"There are certain people who are deeply IMBECILE and who do not respect anyone or anything!"

I read his tweet in the most haughty French accent despite him being Spanish ironically lol. Probably calling them pendejos and cabrons too lmao.

Redon to the leakers right now:


Classic Urouge, doing what he loves
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Franky ran over Big Mom, protected Yamato, beat Sasaki, caught Zoro while he was fighting King, then saved Zoro when he was about to fall to his death.

Franky also told Nami they should stand up to Yonkou. Franky doesn't get many fights, but, to me, he's always SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPEEEERRRRRR!!!!!!!
@Cutty Jewboy
Franky the beast!!!!