Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1083 Spoilers Discussion

Which Holy knight is your fav ?

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Asexual reproduction. Clone theory. Shinobu's Kuso Kuso no Mi. Wait till Oda put all the pieces together from nothingness.
If Shanks dad is about to appear anytime in the series (maybe due Figarland family plot) I expect him to be old 50-60's like and full beard nordic style.

I would like him to have a Mythical Zoan related to the World Snake, Fenrir, a legendary giant...
Redon: "Let's patronize and scold the community for something they literally have no control over"

Like if there's leakers out there who jeopardize the entire thing by revealing things too early that sucks, but how is that in any way something anyone outside of that small circle can control?
If there's info out there then people will share it, even if it can be inaccurate, that's how leaking fucking works.

He could put an end to that by just posting the accurate spoilers himself already, it's fucking tuesday.
But nah he's gotta throw a fit first and get angry at people illegally leaking information just like he does. :kayneshrug:
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