Ah thank you so much Knight-san! I'm so glad you can appreciate this kind of thing, despite how awkward most people are of it and thus so judgemental and ignorant! Bless your soul! I'm guessing you enjoy my sig too naturally? Nautically even?


Ah Pot san, thats a great choice! Very funny!

These ones are also great for anyone who wants some ideas for alarm clocks:

The most shocking part was, he wasn't upset about the 15 year old part, it was that he wanted to marry a furry! I heard Oda has been very disappointed with Toei in that same regard with how they sexualised Wanda and Carrot in the anime too /s.
Post automatically merged:

This is why I try to avoid being in the same room as another "ethnic person". Its bad enough my existence alone is "forced pollitics and diversity" but given all the white people who are suffering and having their precious "pools" "tainted" with our presence is utterly horrifying and tragic for them! We must keep everything white and pure! Pure white! Now whoever is with me, Seig Heil! I mean say Hear hear! /s
Had went to sleep so I didn't see this.
But yeah, anyone who tries to force racism/politics onto everything is just an evil hypocrite.