Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1085 Spoilers Discussion

Who's the final villain?

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Or they did not want to capture Roger or invade wano. Once again they have the manpower to destroy and defeat kaido in onigashima .and your already bodied yourself by bringing wano into it . Forgetting the cp0 made it into wano easily . And we know who the cp0 works for .
The Cp-0 entered in Wano, so? They couldn't do anything, and also they were Orochi's guests.

As I said, we have seen the dialogues: they panicked about the even the most minuscule balance shifting and pirate's choices, they couldn't hunt down Xebec, they couldn't capture Roger, and so on.

Retcon aside, they simply can not be that strong. And as of now, in 6vs1 they couldn't even kill Sabo.

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
I love/hate you all. It’s so funny/infuriating how you all manage to have the same reaction every single week. Small details come out and 65% of you are out here calling it trash. Then the fool summary comes out and there is actual decent converation and debate about the shit that happens in the chapter. Then the chapter comes out and 80% of you rate it 5 stars. Never change WG, but go fuck yourselves. :cheers::beckmoji:
Reactionary posting is what we're known best for :myman:

It's the reason only a handful of people actually want to participate in conversations here :ihaha:
I love/hate you all. It’s so funny/infuriating how you all manage to have the same reaction every single week. Small details come out and 65% of you are out here calling it trash. Then the fool summary comes out and there is actual decent converation and debate about the shit that happens in the chapter. Then the chapter comes out and 80% of you rate it 5 stars. Never change WG, but go fuck yourselves. :cheers::beckmoji:
That's why I don't trust early spoilers anymore
Nah Law > Post Skip Zoro and his token one liners. Maybe because Law is more fresh, Oda had more to work with and was more passionate about the newer less explored character.

Zoro feels like he's written for 12 year olds post skip, either I got old or Oda neglected him, probably a bit of both.

Overall Zoro can still be considered great, he hasn't been bad enough post skip to warrant being labelled any worse. 500 chapters of pre skip don't get erased, and atleast he didn't get the year of Sanji treatment. He's been ok post skip, I just have to do rereads to remind myself why Zoro is goated cause post skip Zoro is a caricature of himself (as are most strawhats), hopefully more panel time changes this.
Law got fucked and cucked in Dressrosa imo
Never been the same.

Punk Hazard Law was great.
No where on pre time skip Zoro level but he held pretty well compared to post time skip characters.

Formerly Seth

You of all people should know how people rate the chapters every single week. Don’t take my word for it.
I think either 1 star or 5 star are genuine trolls not actually rating it that way tbh.

If someone genuinely takes this chapter for a 5 star experience I lose my faith in humanity tbh:shame:


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
Yo based on these spoils I think it’s pretty obvious
(1) Gorosei are fighters
(2) They couldn’t catch Sabo
(3) Admirals >> Gorosei

Idk how in the hell Sabo was unscratched chilling taking Instagram flicks for World Government while 5 *alledgedly* “Yonko/Admiral” caliber opponents are in front of him unrestricted

Yeahhhh right
Aramaki couldn't catch morley:seriously::seriously::seriously:
Shirahoshi is likely a d too

It also might lead to momonosuke being one as well. The kouzuki having ties to the void century, the poneglyph, ancient weapons, zunesha/joyboy, momo and oden having the voice of all things, and luffy seeing momo like a little brother
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