Akainu never ordered anyone.
He was having a little tamper-tantrum bc he wasn't respected by them.
Didn't really go well for him as the Gorosei treated him like a little brat and immediately put him back in his place.
Next time link me the fanfic version of yours.
Akainu started off by giving them an order to never do that again on his back. Following that the Gorosei were actually hurt first and directly went into insulting him after which Akainu responded that they've lost complete control on the matter (calling them incompetent), that's where they snapped and insulted him again.
Gorbachev threw the Kuzan plot at Akainu attacking him for his incompetence of ending Kuzan with Akainu closing the topic by saying Kuzan has no ties to the Navy anymore.
This entire conversation was a back n forth Fuck you from both sides.
The Gorosei are literally the only ones throwing a tantrum by insulting, is your reading comprehension this bad ?