Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1085 Spoilers Discussion

Who's the final villain?

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Well, I'd say it's 50/50. Either Zoro vs Kizaru or Zoro and Sanji vs Kizaru. But I'm sure Zoro vs Kizaru happens.
number 4 is trash, the dude aint leaving s-shark vs nami alone:suresure:

zoro already faced a lunarian, he will leave kaku to stall s-hawk

by the way, non of the seraphin will lose (not so early at less) they will get stall

number4 with nami vs s-shark
zoro&kaku vs s-hawk (kaku gona say he got this) zoro leave
luffy&lucci vs s-beard (lucci gona say he got this) luffy leave
jimbe&stussy vs s-boa

I am not sure ZorovsKizaru how long it will I think the BB pirate will interup this fight like also Luffy vs Satu:kuzanshut:

The agenda about ZorovsFuji is dead:cheers: Zoro vs Akainu is not that bad
The raid really should have failed imo. If kaido is still alive (I am hoepful he is) then he is still top 5.
Kaido MIA just like vergo & monet. Based readers should hope for Awakened Kaido comeback and he should start the war he promised (also against the WG), but realistically he is probably dead just like Big Mom in this shitty Manga.

On the other hand CP9 became CP0 ffs…

Sasaki Kojirō

i dont think imu has a zoan tbh , that creature thing can simply be imu's race
A creature capable of eating/absorbing fire? I think there are many in Japanese folklore.

One prominent example is the mythical creature known as the "Fire-Eating Tengu." Tengu are legendary creatures often depicted with bird-like features, and some variations of Tengu are said to have the ability to consume fire. These folklore creatures are fascinating and have been a part of Japanese mythology for centuries.


Formerly Seth

Yeah, the realistic series of magic fruit giving people powers and dozens of people over 8 feet tall.
I am not talking about this aspect.

This series literally has talking fishes, I know this.

What's not realistic is Gorosei and Imu allowing one Commander level guy to escape after a fodder protects him from an attack:seriously:

Sabo and Cobra should be dead together. I know Sabo won't die cause he's under plot armor but still.

It's a bad look for them.

Also Wapol escaping and Vivi tagging along next to a bunch of trained assassin killers who have Haki and speed.
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