Character Discussion The Virgin Garp Vs The Chad Fujitora

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
Garp doesn’t give a shit.
That’s Garp’s character in a nutshell isn’t it lol? He’s a giant retard too stupid to care about anything outside of his own freedom. Fujitora joined the Marines to use his title to make a difference, Garp joined the Marines so the institution abusing slaves could guarantee him his own personal freedom. Lol

Fujitora’s ideals are not things he can accomplish over night, the man is playing the long game and sacrificing short term battles to ultimately win the war against the WG. Garp is sniffing his own poop sleeping well at night knowing his slave abusing bosses guarantee him freedom.
He’s not this masterplanner in the slightest. He only acts when someone else does.
This is literally what you said earlier 😂
His actions in Dressrosa is what made this possible, again he's not an idiot who would risk losing his position on the spot because without it he can't really take action when the chances arrive, but he does what he can when he can.

So yes he was literally the mastermind behind the abolishment of the shichibukai, he conveyed to the world the evils of someone like Doflamingo and apologized to Riku live for the entire world to see. He then attends the Reverie and meets up with the two kings whom he contacted before and tells them what to do.

Garp does not have wits to pull such things which is fine, he's still a legendary sailor who cleaned up the seas of all kinds of scum, but when it comes to politics within the WG then Issho knows what he's doing and has the balls to back it up.
Nah aokiji don't have nothing to do with this lol garp never try to hurt him as a marine :kayneshrug:
But ofc lol. Whether he is officially a Marine or not, for the fandom he always will be.
Oda also could've had him fight all the titanic captains but coincidentally he fights Kuzan, as if Oda intended this (which I'm sure he did as he fuels most community debates on purpose to keep his Manga in trend).

Garp the Fist

This is literally what you said earlier 😂
His actions in Dressrosa is what made this possible, again he's not an idiot who would risk losing his position on the spot because without it he can't really take action when the chances arrive, but he does what he can when he can.

So yes he was literally the mastermind behind the abolishment of the shichibukai, he conveyed to the world the evils of someone like Doflamingo and apologized to Riku live for the entire world to see. He then attends the Reverie and meets up with the two kings whom he contacted before and told them what to do.

Garp does not have wits to pull such things which is fine, he's still a legendary sailor who cleaned up the seas of all kinds pf scum, but when it comes to politics within the WG then Issho knows what he's doing and has the balls to back it up.
Yeah, Fuji’s a politician. He’ll step in when he sees an opportunity and use it to further his cause.

I’m just not giving him credit for being the great slave abolitionist because he saw the chance to let some slaves escape and helped. As far as we know, he isn’t openly agitating for slavery to be abolished, and he didn’t know that the RA was coming.

Basically, the guy is not Dragon. He still works for the World Gov. Whatever change he may be trying from the inside, it’s an slow process where the main figures have actually been pirates and revolutionaries. Fuji’s lended a helping hand, but he’s far from this radical Admiral figure.

Like, will it surprise anyone if Garp, while protecting the slaves at God’s Valley, also played the “oh whoops, they’ve escaped, go fuck yourself if you think I‘m hunting them down for you.”

That’s Garp’s character in a nutshell isn’t it lol? He’s a giant retard too stupid to care about anything outside of his own freedom. Fujitora joined the Marines to use his title to make a difference, Garp joined the Marines so the institution abusing slaves could guarantee him his own personal freedom. Lol

Fujitora’s ideals are not things he can accomplish over night, the man is playing the long game and sacrificing short term battles to ultimately win the war against the WG. Garp is sniffing his own poop sleeping well at night knowing his slave abusing bosses guarantee him freedom.
Garp joined the Marines because he wants to fight pirates. Much like Sakazuki.

Except unlike Sakazuki, he’s not a psychotic moron and he can actually tell that not all pirates are completely evil scum to wiped off the face of the earth.

Also unlike Sakazuki, he’s not the Gorosei’s personal bitch boy who hides behind a desk crying all day. He actually goes out and gets shit done when he wants to without listening to the commands of a bunch of inbreds.

Fujitora is playing the long game of knowing that Garp’s family will do the hard work for him. All he has to do is step in after the fact to thank his beloved Monkey D family for doing all the difficult stuff.

Garp‘s accomplished more good to the world by shagging Luffy‘s gran than every Admiral combined lol.

Sengoku spent his last year as FA shrieking with rage about Luffy and overseeing the rise of Blackbeard
Akainu’s a desk jockey now whose claim to fame is fights with pensioners on palliative care, teenagers and his own men
Kuzan ran away to be a pirate
Aramaki is just a joke
Kizaru‘s the Celestial Dragon‘s teaboy
That’s Garp’s character in a nutshell isn’t it lol? He’s a giant retard too stupid to care about anything outside of his own freedom. Fujitora joined the Marines to use his title to make a difference, Garp joined the Marines so the institution abusing slaves could guarantee him his own personal freedom. Lol

Fujitora’s ideals are not things he can accomplish over night, the man is playing the long game and sacrificing short term battles to ultimately win the war against the WG. Garp is sniffing his own poop sleeping well at night knowing his slave abusing bosses guarantee him freedom.
But ofc lol. Whether he is officially a Marine or not, for the fandom he always will be.
Oda also could've had him fight all the titanic captains but coincidentally he fights Kuzan, as if Oda intended this (which I'm sure he did as he fuels most community debates on purpose to keep his Manga in trend).
Bruh you guys are too harsh on Garp lmao
He can be a shit character at times to justify him being Goofy's grandpa, but Garp is a legend in his own right
I don't know about @Garp the Fist but Garp does care deeply about the world, and he's definitely not ignoring slavery because they're weak and deserve it, that's arguably the worst take ever lmao

The problem with Garp is anti Admiral clowns wanting to downplay the Marines overall and Admirals specifically, but in reality Garp wanting to maintain his freedom does not undermine the Admirals, and on the other hand Issho having wits and balls of steel doesn't undermine Garp's role in the OP verse. For decades he has been the first line of defense against pirates, someone who paid sweat and blood to make sure outlaws shit their pants before thinking of making any wrong move.

He does have both good traits and downsides like any other character. But he's still a bossman.
All Navy top tiers are absolute gigachads, don't let yonko crybabies ruin Garp greatness for you

Garp the Fist

Bruh you guys are too harsh on Garp lmao
He can be a shit character at times to justify him being Goofy's grandpa, but Garp is a legend in his own right
I don't know about @Garp the Fist but Garp does care deeply about the world, and he's definitely not ignoring slavery because they're weak and deserve it, that's arguably the worst take ever lmao

The problem with Garp is anti Admiral clowns wanting to downplay the Marines overall and Admirals specifically, but in reality Garp wanting to maintain his freedom does not undermine the Admirals, and on the other hand Issho having wits and balls of steel doesn't undermine Garp's role in the OP verse. For decades he has been the first line of defense against pirates, someone who paid sweat and blood to make sure outlaws shit their pants before thinking of making any wrong move.

He does have both good traits and downsides like any other character. But he's still a bossman.
All Navy top tiers are absolute gigachads, don't let yonko crybabies ruin Garp greatness for you

There is a grand total of one organisation that actually is going out of their way to challenge the world and abolish slavery. That’s the RA. Everyone else is complicit or not doing enough.

I think Garp’s basically balanced up the good he can do as a Marine fighting pirates and the bad of the world gov, and decided that’s a price he’s willing to pay.

The guy probably joined up as a teenager, and with a personality like Luffy (not Dragon). Meaning he isn’t one for big plans. He stands by the guys like Sengoku and Tsuru that he’s fought beside for years, fights evil pirates and doesn’t have anything to do with the Celestial Dragons.
Bruh you guys are too harsh on Garp lmao
He can be a shit character at times to justify him being Goofy's grandpa, but Garp is a legend in his own right
I don't know about @Garp the Fist but Garp does care deeply about the world, and he's definitely not ignoring slavery because they're weak and deserve it, that's arguably the worst take ever lmao

The problem with Garp is anti Admiral clowns wanting to downplay the Marines overall and Admirals specifically, but in reality Garp wanting to maintain his freedom does not undermine the Admirals, and on the other hand Issho having wits and balls of steel doesn't undermine Garp's role in the OP verse. For decades he has been the first line of defense against pirates, someone who paid sweat and blood to make sure outlaws shit their pants before thinking of making any wrong move.

He does have both good traits and downsides like any other character. But he's still a bossman.
All Navy top tiers are absolute gigachads, don't let yonko crybabies ruin Garp greatness for you
Obviously as a long time Marine Garp's personality in terms of Piracy is completely identical to say Akainu as both despise pirates with a passion which also makes the idea that Garp and Akainu hate each other seem ridiculous.

Oda said that he could come up with a great story of Garp showing interesting conversations of him with Akainu and Aokiji.

He's also the best written character from MF, but since most Marine Top Tiers (excluding Ryokugyu) are greatly written i believe the bar is already set high for OP standards.

I definitely don't think Lee really means this tbh lol.
he's definitely not ignoring slavery because they're weak and deserve it, that's arguably the worst take ever lmao
I do believe it's valid criticism to say Garp's actions in the Navy directly helped the CD greatly whether he is officially their subordinate or not doesn't really change much. The Navy operates in the CD's sake after all and Garp even delivered 50% in taking down the biggest enemy Imu ever had. He didn't do it for him but you know what i mean.

Apart from that i definitely do believe even Oda fuels this debate actively.
Also unlike Sakazuki, he’s not the Gorosei’s personal bitch boy who hides behind a desk crying all day. He actually goes out and gets shit done when he wants to without listening to the commands of a bunch of inbreds.

Sengoku spent his last year as FA shrieking with rage about Luffy and overseeing the rise of Blackbeard
Akainu’s a desk jockey now whose claim to fame is fights with pensioners on palliative care, teenagers and his own men
Kuzan ran away to be a pirate
Aramaki is just a joke
Kizaru‘s the Celestial Dragon‘s teaboy
Yeah, Garp is looking pretty shit right now.

Fujitora as a new guy accomplished and changed the WG more than Garp ever did in his like 60yrs of marine duty.
"I don't want Admiral rank because it would restrict my freedom" is such a shit excuse since he did nothing with that "freedom"
Yeah, Garp is looking pretty shit right now.

Fujitora as a new guy accomplished and changed the WG more than Garp ever did in his like 60yrs of marine duty.
"I don't want Admiral rank because it would restrict my freedom" is such a shit excuse since he did nothing with that "freedom"
Bcs of him marines are hunted
He achieved nothing

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
Garp joined the Marines because he wants to fight pirates. Much like Sakazuki.
First of all, Garp did not join the Marines to fight Pirates lol. There were a lot of big shot pirates after Roger who Garp had no interest in fighting. Garp had a phenomenal opportunity to fight Pirates at Marineford, but instead sat around crying because the revelation that he was actually not free had never crossed his tiny mind before Marineford, and still watching Ace die he somehow didn’t get the message. Hell Garp wanted to fight Sakazuki more than he wanted to fight Whitebeard, what a ridiculous claim.

No, Garp joined the Marines specifically because he thinks that was the way for him to achieve the most freedom, by earning himself recognition from a slave bearing institution.

As for Sakazuki, the man created the strongest Navy of all time. Sakazuki has more IQ points in one brain cell then Garp has in the potato sitting where his brain should be.

The irony about Ryokugyu is that Ryokugyu’s ideals may be evil, but at least he has ideals to begin with. Ryokugyu is a guy fighting for what he perceives as the good of the world, Garp fights for nothing since he is too dumb to have ideals to begin with. His actions directly contribute to the good of a slave holding organization, simply because Garp himself is too dumb to realize that his actions strengthen an institution of slavery.

Now, as for Fujitora. Literally the abolishment of the Shichibukai system by itself did more good than Garp did in his entire meaningless career. Let alone the freeing of the slaves that Fujitora pulled off this chapter, he had the intelligence to recognize that he couldn’t just walk into Mariejois and start blowing the place up, but that he can actually do much more good by pretending to be a good and faithful Marine while secretly helping the Revolutionaries.

If Garp were actually smart enough to realize that slavery was a good thing, this idiot would’ve ran into Mariejois screaming “FREE THE SLAVES!!!” like a complete moron before getting his shit kicked in and turned into Doflamingo’s bottom bitch in Impel Down.

Garp is a character lacking all subtlety, morality, ideology, and IQ points. He should absolutely not be compared to an Admiral, this dude is like if Luffy was somehow even less intelligent and more selfish.
Yeah, Fuji’s a politician. He’ll step in when he sees an opportunity and use it to further his cause.

I’m just not giving him credit for being the great slave abolitionist because he saw the chance to let some slaves escape and helped. As far as we know, he isn’t openly agitating for slavery to be abolished, and he didn’t know that the RA was coming.

Basically, the guy is not Dragon. He still works for the World Gov. Whatever change he may be trying from the inside, it’s an slow process where the main figures have actually been pirates and revolutionaries. Fuji’s lended a helping hand, but he’s far from this radical Admiral figure.
They all have/ had their roles to play, wether its Dragon, Issho or Garp. Issho and Garp are no lesser than Dragon, they're just pushing the tide from the Navy side. Dragon is the most ballsy tho that's for sure.
But Issho is definitely doing something that Garp wishes he could've done, but then again Garp is a hotblooded wild beast who wouldn't be able to carry out anything with this level of subtlety. Instead he does what he's best at which is mauling the shit out of pirates left and right and establishing to citizens worldwide that there heroes fighting on the front lines for them to live peacefully.

Ryokugyu and Kizaru happily do the WG bidding for different reasons. Ryokugyu being a madman who wants his paycheck at the end of the day while Kizaru is enjoying prestige. Still that doesn't mean they don't do good in the world.

Sakazuki is a hero as much as Garp is, difference is he had dark past that pushed him to this extreme view on justice, but his intent towards peace is pure, he's just not an idiot like Garp and Fujitora to ignore necessary evil, which is what makes him so unique.

Kuzan is a bum but he's cool lol