
waiting for Marvel Rivals
You don't. If you'd have a source you wouldn't be waiting for WG leaks:milaugh:

Who do you think leakers are? Such as Redon and the others? They have it for themselves and later decide to use the knowledge.
Who said anything about leaks, i just know you are committing tomfoolery from my sources, i know nothing about the next chapter
end of disccusion, so you admit koby was near
I fucking mean he was near BB and Seraph and you know it. Get some reading comprehension.

You see Coby ordering the seraph?

You see Coby looking SIDE WAYS when Boa goes for another attack?

If he was fucking in front of her, he would be looking g fucki g straight ahead. Not fucking side ways.

Or maybe he has crossee eyes or something.

And if you just look at the fucking stones near him in this fucking panel, you can see that they're facing they're backs to him. Meaning he came from their back. So either he fucking wasn't there or he fucking covered himself behind his own fucking subordinates.
