How strong is Figarland Garling ?

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That's...a good point actually.

Ivankov changes you 100% ,the character is not required to take hormones or anything.
The whole body structure is changed internally.

I thought the discussion was over now, because S-Crocodile is obviously male. Anything else would have surprised me because I always thought that theory that Crocodile was a woman because he knew Ivankov was stupid.

Gorosei Informer

@EmperorKinyagi Redont and the other leakers is a fraud because they didnt mentioned "Sakazuki appear and did nothing" in the early spoilers :snoopy::snoopy::snoopy:
[Scene: Marineford Headquarters. Akainu, the fearsome Admiral, stands in a grand office, ready to take on any challenge. Little does he know that his opponent, The World's Strongest Desk, awaits him.]

Akainu: (cracking his knuckles) Alright, desk! Prepare to feel the wrath of my magma powers! No obstacle can stand in my way!

[As Akainu charges forward, he slams his fist onto the desk, expecting to pulverize it. However...]

Akainu: What?!

[The desk remains unscathed, barely budging under Akainu's mighty blow.]

Akainu: Impossible! How can a mere desk withstand the force of my magma fist?

[The desk, seemingly unaffected, emits an eerie creak, mocking Akainu's failed attempt.]

Desk: (in a deep, sarcastic voice) Is that the best you've got, Admiral? You'll have to try harder if you want to defeat me!

Akainu: (gritting his teeth) Fine, desk! If you want a challenge, you'll get one! I'll show you the true power of the Marines!

[Akainu summons his magma powers, preparing for an even stronger attack. But just as he's about to unleash his devastating blow, stacks of paperwork descend from the ceiling, burying him completely.]

Akainu: What in the name of justice?!

[Akainu struggles to break free from the mountain of paperwork, but it seems to have a life of its own.]

Paperwork: (tauntingly) Your magma powers are no match for me, Admiral! Prepare to be stuck here forever, drowning in a sea of paperwork!

[Akainu's face turns red with frustration, realizing he's caught in an office nightmare.]

Akainu: This can't be happening! I'm the Admiral of the Marines, not a paper pusher!

[As Akainu tries to claw his way out, he accidentally triggers the printer, causing an avalanche of documents to pour onto him.]

Akainu: (muffled) No! Not more paperwork!

[The scene cuts to various Marine officers passing by, snickering and pointing at Akainu's predicament.]

Officer 1: Look at that, even the Admiral can't handle the World's Strongest Desk and Paperwork!

Officer 2: Who knew the fate of the Marines would rest on the shoulders of a sturdy desk and endless bureaucracy?

[Back in the office, Akainu can do nothing but wallow in his paperwork prison, realizing that he's been defeated by the most unexpected opponents.]

Akainu: Curse you, World's Strongest Desk! Curse you, World's Strongest Paperwork! You may have won this round, but mark my words, I'll break free from this nightmare and make you regret the day you crossed me!

[As Akainu's voice echoes through the office, the scene fades out, leaving him trapped in his paperwork purgatory.]

Admiral Green Bull, known for his boisterous and brash personality, walked into the cluttered office, his footsteps echoing through the room. The chaotic mess of paperwork caught his attention, and he soon spotted a figure standing amidst the chaos. It was none other than Admiral Akainu, buried under the weight of the paperwork, bruised and bloodied.

Green Bull: (excitedly) Yo, Akainu! What in the world happened here? Did you take on a thousand enemies single-handedly?

Akainu: (gritting his teeth) Nothing... Nothing happened.

[As the "The Very Very Strongest" song from the One Piece soundtrack blares in the background, Akainu stands in front of Green Bull, his battered form exuding an undeniable aura of defiance.]

Green Bull: (in awe) Whoa! You look even more impressive than usual, Akainu! Those bruises and bloodstains... They're like badges of honor!

Akainu: (crossing his arms) It's nothing worth mentioning, Green Bull. Just a minor setback.

[Green Bull's eyes widen, his admiration for Akainu growing even more.]

Green Bull: Minor setback? You really are the epitome of strength, Akainu! If I were in your shoes, I would have crushed that paperwork with a single blow, leaving nothing but ashes!

Akainu: (smirking) Perhaps, Green Bull. But sometimes, battles cannot be won with sheer force alone.

[Green Bull leans in, his excitement bubbling over.]

Green Bull: Tell me, Akainu, was it an epic clash with a legendary pirate? Or did you have an epic showdown with a hidden Marine enemy?

Akainu: (pausing for a moment) It was a different kind of battle, Green Bull. A battle against bureaucracy, paperwork, and the very essence of mundanity.

[Green Bull's eyes widen in understanding, realizing the immense challenge Akainu had faced.]

Green Bull: Akainu, you truly are a force to be reckoned with! Facing such adversity and emerging even stronger!

[As the triumphant song reaches its crescendo, Akainu stands tall, his determination unyielding.]

Akainu: The Marines' duty is to protect justice, even in the face of the most mundane challenges. We will overcome any obstacle that comes our way, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

[Green Bull nods in agreement, his admiration for Akainu growing exponentially.]

Green Bull: You're right, Akainu! We'll crush every obstacle, big or small, and show the world the might of the Marines!

[As the scene fades out, the echoes of their resolve linger in the air, a testament to the unbreakable spirit of the Marines.]

[End of Scenario]



You can't win
Before Reverie flashback
> Sabo burned the CD flag, fought Fujitora and Aramaki in a 1 vs 2, damaged Fujitora, saved Kuma and the slaves, and escaped(the other 3 are fodder honestly)

After Reverie flashback
> Karasu and Morley burned the CD flag, saved slaves and Kuma, clashed with restricted admirals and escaped
> Fujitora actually helped the slaves to escape against Aramaki
> Sabo saw Cobra die, failed to do any damage in a sneak attack, then ran away(just like Wapol) and almost got killed by one attack if not Cobra's sacrifice

Result: Flame Emperor Sabo

It's a title given to him due to being powerful, while also destroying the CD hoof + freeing slaves + killing Cobra. It's the entire event for which he as the leader of that party, takes credit for.

Killing a fodder King isn't making him an emperor. It's the fact he went into the land of gods and did what he wanted & came out alive.
Cobra was in better shape after receiving the same attack as Sabo he ain't fodder.

The tittle is propaganda.
He achieved something 100% but it is being overblown ,like how Luffy was called emperor after WCI.
Before Reverie flashback
> Sabo burned the CD flag, fought Fujitora and Aramaki in a 1 vs 2, damaged Fujitora, saved Kuma and the slaves, and escaped(the other 3 are fodder honestly)

After Reverie flashback
> Karasu and Morley burned the CD flag, saved slaves and Kuma, clashed with restricted admirals and escaped
> Fujitora actually helped the slaves to escape against Aramaki
> Sabo saw Cobra die, failed to do any damage in a sneak attack, then ran away(just like Wapol) and almost got killed by one attack if not Cobra's sacrifice

Result: Flame Emperor Sabo

Dragon hate is real in WG
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