Gorosei Informer

@CoC: Color of Clowns @Goodman Grey

I've got some great news for you guys. I've been working with chatgpt to generate an alternative storyline for Wano going into acts 4 and 5.

I've just finished act 3 with Onigashima falling, the raid failing, luffy awakening, much more Oni lore, beast pirates awakenings, kaido and big mom awakened etc.
I'm gonna be doing Orochis awakening and hybrid in detail too and involving nidai kitetsu, the forgotten big mom pirates including Smoothie and her getting a massive fight finally with Brook and I guess someone else ofc.

Also gonna extend to end of Wano with no forced movie promotion nonsense, Greek bull getting a better showing,yamato and Carrot joining, a much better reunion for hiyori and momo, toki and Oden closure, hiyoro killing Orochi with Ame and Momo using Emma to kill him, zoro going to ryuuma grave and so on.

Lmao Greek Bill I mean Green bull. Oh ffs autocorrect! I just noticed Enma became Emma too lmao.

I'll make a thread later or so as I'm really tired atm. I'll let you guys know when by tagging you ofc. I'll post all I've done so far with more that I'll make too inevitably too.

I'm also doing some of my own headcanons and twists too ofc.
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@CoC: Color of Clowns @Goodman Grey

I've got some great news for you guys. I've been working with chatgpt to generate an alternative storyline for Wano going into acts 4 and 5.

I've just finished act 3 with Onigashima falling, the raid failing, luffy awakening, much more Oni lore, beast pirates awakenings, kaido and big mom awakened etc.
I'm gonna be doing Orochis awakening and hybrid in detail too and involving nidai kitetsu, the forgotten big mom pirates including Smoothie and her getting a massive fight finally with Brook and I guess someone else ofc.

Also gonna extend to end of Wano with no forced movie promotion nonsense, Greek bull getting a better showing,yamato and Carrot joining, a much better reunion for hiyori and momo, toki and Oden closure, hiyoro killing Orochi with Ame and Momo using Emma to kill him, zoro going to ryuuma grave and so on.

Lmao Greek Bill I mean Green bull. Oh ffs autocorrect! I just noticed Enma beane Emma too lmao.

I'll make a thread later or so as I'm really tired atm. I'll let you guys know when by tagging you ofc. I'll post all I've done so far with more that I'll make too inevitably too.

I'm also doing some of my own headcanons and twists too ofc.
This is exactly what I wanted to see in the actual story. Can't wait.:pepebusi:

Gorosei Informer

This is exactly what I wanted to see in the actual story. Can't wait.:pepebusi:
Glad to hear man thanks! Here's a taste of what I've done so far, if you like it, I'll definitely post more later too then!:

While Kaido was locked in a colossal confrontation with Joyman Luffy atop Onigashima, another fierce battle was taking place elsewhere. Kidd and Law, two formidable pirates with newly awakened Devil Fruits, were challenging another titan of the sea, the Yonko Big Mom.

Despite their considerable strength and newfound powers, Kidd and Law seemed to underestimate their opponent. Big Mom was a force of nature, a pirate who had dominated the seas since her childhood, and served as the formidable third-in-command under the infamous Rocks D. Xebec.

Big Mom stood before them, her enormous form towering over the battlefield. Her devilish grin seemed to stretch even wider as Kidd and Law prepared for combat, her eyes glinting with an eagerness for battle. "Do you children really think you can defeat me?" she taunted, her voice booming across the field.

Kidd and Law, undeterred, launched their attacks. Kidd's awakened ability allowed him to manipulate a vast array of metal, forming a colossal mechanical construct around himself. Law, on the other hand, extended his Room, altering the space within to manipulate objects and launch his attacks.

But even as they attacked, Big Mom's power began to surge. Her awakening, a phenomenal increase in her already formidable abilities, was something to behold. As she activated her awakened power, her aura flared up, a vortex of energy swirling around her.

With her awakening, Big Mom commanded her homies with even greater finesse, her control over her soul fragments amplifying manifold. Prometheus and Zeus swelled in size and power, their attacks fueled by the Yonko's enhanced energy.

No matter how Kidd and Law fought, their combined strength seemed inadequate against Big Mom's titanic power, unyielding will, and impeccable durability. Big Mom swatted away their attacks with ease, retaliating with force that shook the ground beneath them. Her anger fueled her strength, her strikes resonating with an intensity that left her opponents reeling.

Despite their best efforts, Kidd and Law found themselves overpowered, their awakened abilities falling short in the face of Big Mom's relentless assault. The gap between their strengths was apparent - a stark reminder of the vast divide that lay between the Yonko and the rest of the world.

As Kidd and Law struggled to get back on their feet, Big Mom unleashed the full extent of her awakened abilities. Her laughter echoed across the battlefield as she called upon the homies to her side. Alongside the sun homie Prometheus and her new cloud homie Hera, she was ready to deal the finishing blow.

She began with a technique she called "Life Harvest." With a wave of her hand, the souls of Kidd and Law's crewmates started to lift from their bodies, slowly forming into miniature homies, all of them screaming in terror. Kidd and Law could only watch helplessly, horror-stricken as their comrades' lives were drained away.

Using these stolen souls, Big Mom replenished her energy, restoring her youthful vigor and returning herself to her prime years. Her form shrank slightly, and she looked as if she were in her late twenties again, her eyes glinting with renewed vitality and raw power.

Next, Big Mom used her power over souls to infuse Hera with a terrifying strength. With a yell of "Soul Tempest", she launched a powerful wind attack, sending Kidd and Law tumbling away with the sheer force of it.

Not giving them any time to recover, she commanded Prometheus to ignite, transforming into a massive fiery beast. "Inferno Burst!" she yelled, sending a massive wave of fire cascading towards the two pirates.

Lastly, using her power of the soul, Big Mom created a series of soul-infused shockwaves, a technique she dubbed "Soul Echo". The shockwaves were filled with the screams of the stolen souls, creating a terrifying sonic attack that staggered Kidd and Law.

Overwhelmed by Big Mom's awakened abilities, Kidd and Law were left helpless, unable to do anything but watch as their crewmates' lives were stolen, and they themselves were beaten to a pulp. The realization of their defeat hung heavy in the air, a chilling reminder of the Yonko's terrifying power.


In a final, climactic clash that shook the very foundation of Onigashima, Kaido did what seemed impossible – he defeated Joyman Luffy, the embodiment of the legendary Joyboy.

The battlefield fell silent as the dust settled, revealing Luffy's colossal form collapsed on the ground, unconscious. Kaido stood victorious, his massive form looming over Luffy. His eyes, usually filled with a predatory gleam, were wide with shock and disbelief. Even Joyboy, the figure of countless legends, had fallen to him.

"Luffy... Joyboy..." Kaido muttered, his voice hoarse from the battle. His gaze fell on Luffy's still form, a sense of solemnity washing over him. Despite his victorious stand, there was no joy in his victory, only a profound sadness.

Despite his new power, Luffy, in essence, was still far from being Joyboy. His strength, his wisdom, his skills, his physique, were all incomparable to the original. Yet, it was this same young pirate, full of dreams and unyielding spirit, who had stood against him, embodying the will of the legendary Joyboy.

Kaido leaned heavily on his club, pressing it into the ground for support. He closed his eyes, a lone tear escaping and trailing down his rugged cheek. A sigh escaped his lips, filled with exhaustion and a deep sense of melancholy.

"I have no regrets anymore," he murmured, his voice barely audible over the wind. His plan to destroy Wano, to take the hypocritical, sinner scum with him, especially the Kozukis, now seemed within his grasp. "I can go straight to hell," he added, the resolution in his voice unwavering.

As Kaido stood there in the eerie silence of the aftermath, a sense of finality hung heavy in the air. The battle was over, and Kaido had emerged victorious. But at what cost? His victory bore the weight of a lost dream, a defeated spirit, and a path paved with regrets. And above all, the question remained – what would this mean for the future of Wano?

With a heavy heart, Kaido gazed towards the hovering Onigashima, directly positioned over the Flower Capital. His plan had been accomplished, his purpose fulfilled, and all he was left with was an echoing emptiness and the cries of those about to meet their end.

With a final roar, Kaido unleashed his power, releasing the cloud formations that held Onigashima aloft. The island trembled, then began its descent, the force of gravity pulling it towards the heart of Wano.

"I'm dragging you all... to hell," Kaido roared, his voice filled with a mix of rage, sorrow, and resignation. His words echoed through the still air, sending shivers down the spines of all who heard them.

Down below, the citizens of Wano watched in horror as Onigashima plummeted from the sky. Screams filled the air, drowned by the roaring wind and the thunderous sound of the approaching island. Despite the pandemonium, there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

The impact was cataclysmic. Onigashima crashed into the Flower Capital, reducing buildings to rubble and causing a massive upheaval of the ground. The force of the collision tore a gaping sinkhole in the center of the city, pulling everything—people, houses, streets—into the depths of Wano.

A cloud of dust and debris rose into the sky, blotting out the sun and casting a haunting shadow over the ruined capital. Wano, once a prosperous and vibrant land, was now a desolate crater, a grim reminder of Kaido's wrath and despair.

In the aftermath of the devastation, the eerie silence of the ruined city was all that remained. Kaido's anguished roar echoed in the distance, a chilling testament to the fallen titan's sorrow and his final, destructive act. The future of Wano hung in the balance, its fate uncertain in the wake of such unprecedented devastation.