One Piece 1087 leaks:

-The Burning Man’s name is Elohim Nerona, he is the youngest child of Imu

-Ryokugyu chased Shanks out of the New World, apparently Shanks crashed into the Red Line and his ship and entire crew drowned

-Mother Flame appears above Egghead and begins the “Hail Mary” bombardment, Egghead is completely destroyed


I didn't experience the hiatus because I had lot of things to do in real life but funny how outside activities easily kill off such waiting periods try it out too

Gorosei Informer

How long before Luffy gets confirmed as the clone of Roger or Garp btw? Garp and Roger are brothers too. /s

Seriously though, its really weird we dont even know Luffys mother nor Dragon's...But not must be "important" to Lolda! Mr "Mothers are the antithesis of adventure!"

Also I did this btw @CoC: Color of Clowns ....WHAT HAVE WE UNLEASHED!?


**Title: Crocodile's Surprise**

**Scene 1: Crocodile's Residence**

*(Crocodile, the formidable former Warlord, is sitting in his posh recliner, sipping on a cup of black coffee. Suddenly, he feels a strange rumbling in his stomach.)*

Crocodile: "What on earth...?"

**Scene 2: Crocodile's Surprise**

*(Much to his shock, Crocodile ends up laying an egg! The formidable Warlord is bewildered and a little disturbed at this unexpected development.)*

Crocodile: "I...I laid an egg?! How is this even possible?!"

**Scene 3: Time Passes**

*(Despite the initial shock, Crocodile decides to nurture the egg, setting up a warm corner in his residence with a heat lamp. Over the next few days, Crocodile grudgingly finds himself eagerly anticipating the egg's hatching.)*

Crocodile: "Well, it's not like I have much else to do these days..."

**Scene 4: The Hatching**

*(One morning, the egg starts to crack. Crocodile watches in anticipation as a small, spiky-haired baby pops out. The baby wears a wide grin and a straw hat that seems to have materialized out of nowhere.)*

Baby Luffy: "Gomu gomu no..."

Crocodile: "Wait a minute...Is that...Luffy?!"

**Scene 5: Acceptance and Bewilderment**

*(Crocodile is left reeling, trying to comprehend how he, of all people, could be the mother of his former enemy. He contemplates whether he should be terrified, proud, or perhaps even both.)*

Crocodile: "I guess this means I'm...Luffy's mother?!"

**Scene 6: A New Journey**

*(Baby Luffy immediately starts wreaking havoc around Crocodile's residence, causing the former Warlord to chase after him. Despite the chaos, Crocodile can't help but feel a sense of responsibility, and perhaps even a hint of affection, towards the tiny rubber typhoon he's inadvertently hatched.)*

Crocodile: "Now, Luffy, don't touch that-- oh, too late..."

**THE END.**

*(Thus begins an alternate One Piece universe where Crocodile ends up as the unlikely mother to Monkey D. Luffy, setting the stage for a comedic journey of chaotic parenting and unexpected bonding.)*

*(Mihawk, the World's Greatest Swordsman, walks into the Cross Guild's main hall only to find a very unexpected sight. Crocodile, the notorious former Warlord, is attempting to control a tiny, bouncy, and apparently rubber baby wearing a straw hat.)*

Mihawk: "Crocodile...what"

Crocodile: "Don't ask. Just...don't."

**Scene 2: A Reluctant Father**

*(Mihawk, despite his initial shock, finds himself slowly warming up to the idea of taking care of Baby Luffy. He tries to teach him some basic sword techniques, only to be met with giggles and incoherent babbling.)*

Mihawk: "Alright, Luffy, let's see you try, that's not a chew toy...!"

**Scene 3: The Sappy Clown**

*(Buggy, upon witnessing this unlikely family dynamic, can't help but feel touched. He decides to assign himself the role of Luffy's "Fairy Clown Godfather". He presents Luffy with a red clown nose, which the baby promptly tries to eat.)*

Buggy: "That's my godson! Oh, they grow up so fast..."

**Scene 4: A Distant Sensation**

*(Meanwhile, far away, both Dragon and Garp sneeze suddenly. They look at each other, feeling an unexplainable sense of disturbance.)*

Dragon: "Something strange just happened."

Garp: "Agreed... but what, I have no idea."

**THE END.**

*(Thus begins an even more convoluted journey in this alternate One Piece universe, with Mihawk, Buggy, and Crocodile forming an unlikely family around the baby future Pirate King. As this new family goes through their own chaotic adventures, Dragon and Garp remain unaware of the bizarre destiny their grandson/son has embarked upon.)*


Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
What did Pot Pourri Goblin do now?


Hmmm, this silence from Pot is very damning/sussy!

Reloaded was grindin me with the Carrot vs Robin topic so I was memeing with Chobro about it on Discord

One of Chobro's friends, someone I knew, saw my message pop up while they were playing a game together and was curious.

Chobro tried to explain my thing with Conejo Blanco but couldn't explain it wthout unintentionally making it sound like I was a furry

Gorosei Informer

Oh god, I'm going too far with these now LMAO!:

**Title: "Raising Funds, Raising Baby Luffy"**

**Scene 1: The Cross Guild's Business Ventures**

*(Buggy, Mihawk, and Crocodile gather in their meeting room. Buggy is donned in his best clown costume, Mihawk is reluctantly clutching a guitar, and Crocodile is armed with a plate full of what he calls 'sand-wiches'.)*

Crocodile: "Alright, we're doing this. For Luffy's sake."

**Scene 2: "Crocomom's Homemade 'Sand-wiches'"**

*(Crocodile sets up a small stall in the market square, selling his 'sand-wiches' and hook-related prosthetics for childcare. The townsfolk are intrigued by the unexpected sight of the formidable Crocodile playing chef.)*

Customer: "This is a...sandwich, right?"
Crocodile: "A 'sand-wich'. Try it, you'll love it."

**Scene 3: Mihawk's Loners' Essentials**

*(Mihawk, on the other hand, opens up a small shop selling black paint and compilation music CDs. The store quickly becomes popular among the moody loners and emo teens of the city.)*

Teen: "This understands my soul!"
Mihawk: "Yes, it does...I guess."

**Scene 4: Buggy's Children's Parties**

*(Meanwhile, Buggy starts organizing children's parties, using his Devil Fruit powers to entertain the kids. Crocodile is forced to cater the parties with his sand-wiches, and Mihawk, much to his chagrin, is the 'musical guest'.)*

Buggy: "Now for our next act, we have the world's greatest swordsman...playing the kazoo!"
Mihawk: "I'm never going to live this down, am I?"

**Scene 5: The Cross Guild's Success**

*(Despite the ridiculousness of their ventures, the Cross Guild's businesses are a surprising success. They manage to raise enough funds to support baby Luffy, leading to some amusing moments of the tough pirates partaking in childcare.)*

Buggy: "Who knew being a parent could be so...profitable?"
Crocodile: "Let's just hope Luffy never finds out about this..."

**THE END.**

*(In the midst of their hilarious adventures, the Cross Guild manages to balance their new roles as Luffy's caregivers and their attempts to maintain their notorious reputations. It's a chaotic life, but one they wouldn't trade for the world.)*
