I asked Bing AI to write some fake spoilers. According to it,Pedro is back!

  • Luffy and Zoro infiltrate Vegapunk’s laboratory, where they discover his secret project: a giant robot powered by a Devil Fruit.
  • Sanji and Nami encounter Smoker and Tashigi, who are also investigating the island. They team up to fight against some of Vegapunk’s creations, such as Pacifistas and cyborg animals.
  • Chopper and Usopp meet Vegapunk himself, who reveals that he has been working on a cure for the SMILEs and asks for their help in testing it.
  • Robin and Brook find a hidden chamber where Vegapunk has stored some ancient relics, including a Poneglyph and the Iron Giant.
  • Franky and Jinbe face off against Sentomaru and Kizaru, who have arrived to protect Vegapunk’s research from intruders.
  • Carrot and Wanda encounter Pedro, who has somehow survived his sacrifice in Whole Cake Island and has been experimented on by Vegapunk.